Repository to store software work products for capstone.
The communication library is the Distributed Microcontroller Communication Framework Library (dmcflib for short).
The end goal is to enable an application developer to use the publish-subscribe API presented in the library to easily send messages between different microcontrollers in a system over I2C. The real demo application will be a telemetry system for an amateur rocket with a Sensor, Data Logging, Power and Radio Communcations board. The project will be implemented using the TI Simplelink family of ARM Cortex-M4F microcontrollers, with 3 MSP432s and one CC1310 Sub-1GHz MCU.
Initial compilation and environment setup was tested using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in an Oracle VirtualBox Virtual Machine, as well as Windows 10.
Theere are two main dependencies for this project. Code Composer Studio, and FreeRTOS.
The project requires TI's Code Composer Stuido Version 7 (ccsv7). This is necessary for the cross-compiler as well as TI's SimpleLink SDK.
- Download Code composer studio version 7.x here
- Ensure that Code Composer studio will be installed at ~/ti (or $HOME/ti or /home//ti) on linux, or C:/ti on Windows.
- Click the two checkboxes for SimpleLink MSP432 and SimpleLink CC13XX support.
- Perform all other installation steps per TI's wiki as linked above
- On the "Getting Started" page, click the "Browse Examples" option to open the Resource Explorer. Alternatively, if the Resource Explorer is already open, navigate to that tab.
- Open the tree on the left side of the Resource Explorer titled "Software"
- Click the button that looks like a download button and download the MSP432 SDK v: "offline"
FreeRTOS is used to manage task scheduling
- Download FreeRTOSv10.0.0 here
- Extract the archive to either your home directory on linux, or c:/ on Windows
Steps to start working:
Clone the git repository to your favorite location
Download ccsv7 with MSP432 and CC13xx libraries
- /home/user/ti
- c:\ti
Install MSP432 simplelink sdk v1.60.00.12 from resource explorer
Install FreeRTOSv10.0.0
- /home/user/FreeRTOSv10.0.0
- c:\FreeRTOSv10.0.0
Open CCS and create a workspace in the same directory as the git repo
Go to Window-->Preferences-->General-->Workspace-->Linked Resources
- New, Name = FREERTOS_INSTALL_DIR, Location = FreeRTOS Install Folder (with the vXX.XX.XX)
Go to Project-->Import CCS Projects
- Click Browse, Ok (Defaults to workspace directory)
- Check box next to all projects, click finish
Build the MSP432_example project, or your favorite application project
- Only configured to build for the MSP432. Additional tweaks and setup required to support CC13x0 boards. :(