Test project (Ana and Adrian)
Some Ideas to Discuss
Define the project goal
Who are the target users for this project?
- Anyone wanting to make currency conversions.
What problem does this project solve?
What can a user do with the project?
- Convert currency values between USD and EUR.
Design and architecture ideas
Will be built with HTML, CSS, JS (or other?)
- HTML, CSS and JS.
What is the minimum viable product goal?
- A working conversion tool.
Keep the design minimal? Any color preferences?
Start mobile-first?
- YES, please.
Where will we manage tasks?
- Github Projects
How can we use GitHub to manage tasks, etc?
Should we have sprints? 2-week sprints?
- Weekly check-in + self managed tasks.
- Netlify supports branch preview too so we don't need to push changes into production if we're not sure about them yet or we don't have a working local test environment:
Branch deploys are published to a URL which includes the branch name as a prefix. For example, if a branch is called
, it will deploy tostaging--yoursitename.netlify.app
- Netlify
- Notion docs
- Front
- Repo
- Alphavantage API (500 free reqs per day; 5 per minute)