a helpers for pack and unpack JS-objects to/from base64-string.
npm install --save object-packer
import { packable, pack, unpack } from 'object-packer';
class TestClass {
flagField = false;
@packable.integer(999) // specify max value
uintField = 0;
constructor(a = false, b = 0) {
this.flagField = a;
this.uintField = b;
dump() {
return {
flagField: this.flagField,
uintField: this.uintField,
pack(new TestClass()); // ["AMiM", {}]
pack(new TestClass(true, 0)); // ["AciM", {}]
pack(new TestClass(false, 42)); // ["VciM", {}]
pack(new TestClass(true, 42)); // ["VMiM", {}]
unpack(TestClass, 'VMiM', {}).dump(); // { flagField: false, uintField: 42 }
Out-of-the-box it contains decorators just for flags and unsigned integers, but you can define your own packer:
const customPacker = {
reader(instance, index) {
if (index === 0) return null;
return instance.collection[index - 1];
writer(instance, value) {
return instance.collection.indexOf(value) + 1;
class TestClass {
@packable.custom(4, customPacker)
itemFromCollection = null;
collection = ['foo', 'bar'];
constructor(value) {
this.itemFromCollection = value;
pack(new TestClass()); // ["kBm5", {}]
pack(new TestClass('foo')); // ["kRm5", {}]
pack(new TestClass('bar')); // ["khm5", {}]
By default pack
doesn't check unpacked object and it can be unequal to the original.
class AnotherClass {
@packable.custom(4, customPacker)
itemFromCollection = null;
collection = ['new item', 'foo', 'bar'];
unpack(AnotherClass, 'kRm5', {}).itemFromCollection // 'new item'
For preventing these situations you can specify a function with will be used for signing base64-string:
@packable(obj => ({ item: obj.itemFromCollection }))
class TestClass {
@packable.custom(4, customPacker)
itemFromCollection = 'foo'; // first element from collection
collection = ['foo', 'bar'];
@packable(obj => ({ item: obj.itemFromCollection }))
class AnotherClass {
@packable.custom(4, customPacker)
itemFromCollection = 'new item'; // also first element from collection
collection = ['new item', 'foo', 'bar'];
pack(new TestClass()); // ["Qfqy", {}]
pack(new AnotherClass()); // ["YRDP", {}]
You can also mark some fields as an external
and they would be extracted to separete object.
class TestClass {
name = null;
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
pack(new TestClass('long string')); // ["mZFL", {"name": "long string"}]
unpack(TestClass, 'mZFL', {'name': 'long string'}).name; // "long string"
import { packable, track } from 'object-packer';
class TestClass {
flag = false;
name = 'string'
const onChange = (packedConfig, externalFields) => {
$state.go('server.configurator', {
config: packedConfig,
}, { inherit: true, notify: false, location: 'replace' });
const instance = new TestClass();
instance.flag = true; // onChange will be fired here with arguments 'MiOX' and {name: 'string'}
instance.name = 'new name'; // and fired again with 'MiOX' and {name: 'new name'}