This project served as the example for this Boston Python Talk <>
Display the weather in your terminal!
This project is designed to show off a standard python project structure
To work it assumes you have the FORECAST_API
environment variable set to be your <>
_ api key.
.. code:: bash
export FORECAST_API="<your key here>"
.. code:: bash
pip install displayforcastio
This app takes two args. A latitude and a longitude. Example usage with output is below
.. code:: python
forecastio 42.3907 -71.1157
Currently: rain - Drizzle on Saturday and Tuesday, with temperatures peaking at 59°F on Friday.
Setting up a development environment. I assume python 3.5.0 is installed. Though python 2.7.10 should work as well.
.. code:: bash
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
Run the tests to ensure this all worked try running the tests. Like running the app one test requires the FORCAST_API
environment variable to be set
.. code:: bash
py.test tests