Modified version of Psych Engine adding more stuff. (see below)
Starmapo - Psych Engine Extra Coding and Arts
Shadow Mario - Coding
RiverOaken - Arts and Animations
shubs - Assistant Coder
bbpanzu - Former Coder
KadeDev & GitHub Contributors - Made Kade Engine (some code is from there)
Leather128 & GitHub Contributors - Made Leather Engine (some code is from there)
srPerez - Made VS Shaggy & original 9K notes
SqirraRNG - Chart Editor's Sound Waveform base code
iFlicky - Delay/Combo Menu Song Composer + Dialogue Sounds
PolybiusProxy - Video Loader Extension
Keoiki - Note Splash Animations
Smokey - Spritemap Texture Atlas support
- Custom key amounts (1K to 13K)
- Custom time signatures (3/4, 12/8, etc.)
- Custom UI skins (customize notes, splashes, ratings, countdown, etc.)
- Character groups (more than one player, opponent, or GF)
- Separate voices for the player and opponent (by adding a 'VoicesDad' file)
- Gameplay Changers: Play opponent's chart, Song playback speed
- Go to options menu from in-game (go right back to game after you're done!)
- More Lua functions
- Note underlays
- Instant restart after dying
- Sort Freeplay songs alphabetically
- Change instrumentals and voices volume
- Show note splashes for the opponent
- Toggle autopause when not focused on the game
- Camera bump in Freeplay (from @Stilic)
- Difficulty dropdown in charting menu (from @CerBor)
First, you need to install Haxe and HaxeFlixel. I'm too lazy to write and keep updated with that setup (which is pretty simple).
- Install Haxe
Install HaxeFlixel after downloading Haxe (make sure to do
haxelib run lime setup flixel
to install the necessary libraries, basically just follow the whole guide)
You'll also need to install a couple things that involve Gits. To do this, you need to do a few things first.
- Download git-scm. Works for Windows, Mac, and Linux, just select your build.
- Follow instructions to install the application properly.
- Run
haxelib git discord_rpc
to install Discord RPC. - Run
haxelib git linc_luajit
to install LuaJIT. (Or if you don't want your mod to be able to run .lua scripts, delete the "LUA_ALLOWED" line on Project.xml)
You should have everything ready for compiling the game! Follow the guide below to continue!
NOTE: If you see any messages relating to deprecated packages, ignore them. They're just warnings that don't affect compiling
Compiling to browser is very simple. You just need to run lime test html5 -debug
(remove "-debug" for official releases) in the root of the project to build and run the HTML5 version. (command prompt navigation guide can be found here)
Do note that mod compatibility and Lua scripts are disabled in HTML5.
To run it from your desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) it can be a bit more involved.
For Windows, you need to install Visual Studio Community. While installing VSC, don't click on any of the options to install workloads. Instead, go to the individual components tab and choose the following:
- MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools (Latest)
- Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
This will take a while and requires about 4GB of space. Once that is done you can open up a command line in the project's directory and run lime test windows -debug
(remove "-debug" for official releases). Once that command finishes (it takes forever even on a higher end PC), it will automatically run the game. The .exe file will be under export\release\windows\bin.
For Mac, you need to install Xcode. After that, run lime test mac -debug
(remove "-debug" for official releases) in the project's directory. The .exe file will be in export/release/mac/bin.
For Linux, you only need to open a terminal in the project directory and run lime test linux -debug
(remove "-debug" for official releases). The executable file will be in export/release/linux/bin.
To build for 32-bit, add -32 -D 32bits
to the lime test
lime test windows -32 -D 32bits