A simple program constructed using Python3 and some other libraries made by Bruno Dantas and Pedro Boechat.
This program is a simple web crawler that gets every thesis information and stores it in a database (MongoDB).
To run this repository by yourself you will need to install python3 in your machine and them install all the requirements inside the requirements file
# Clone this repository
$ git clone <https://github.com/DantasB/ufrj-thesis>
# Access the project page on your terminal
$ cd ufrj-thesis
# Install all the requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Create a .env file
$ touch .env
# Create the following parameters
CONNECTION_URL #Your MongoDB connection url
USERNAME #Your MongoDB connection username
PASSWORD #Your MongoDB connection password
DATABASE #The database that contains the collection to store the informations
COLLECTION #The collection where you will store the informations
PORT #Your database port
# Execute the main program
$ python main.py
# Them it's just wait for the code run
- Python3
- beautifulsoup4
- pymongo
If you still need help, fell free to contact me on discord: BDantas#3692