- Java wrapper library around Windows Media File Metadata Properties
- Useful for editing e.g the year or author attributes of a media file (e.g mp3/mp4 files)
- Windows docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/medfound/metadata-properties-for-media-files
- Basically these properties in the file details menu:
Maven dependency: (via Github Packages)
Jar file:
Jar file downloads are available under 'Packages'
All operations are found as static utilities in a single class: MediaFileUtils
All supported media properties are found in an enum like class: MediaProperty
var file = Path.of("myFile.mp4");
var targetFile = Path.of("targetFile.mp4");
// Returns the 'author' field's value wrapped in an optional
MediaFileUtils.readProperty(file, MediaProperty.AUTHOR);
// Returns true if the file has a 'language' property
MediaFileUtils.hasProperty(file, MediaProperty.LANGUAGE);
// Returns true if the given file is a valid media file
// Write 2021 into the 'year' field of the file
MediaFileUtils.writeProperty(file, MediaProperty.YEAR, 2021);
// Copies the year field from 'file' to 'targetFile'
MediaFileUtils.copyProperty(file, targetFile, MediaProperty.YEAR);
// Clears the file's 'title' property
MediaFileUtils.clearPropery(file, MediaProperty.TITLE);
Feedback, bug reports and enhancements are always welcome.