This library is under development by EtWnn, feel free to drop your suggestions or remarks in the discussion tab of the git repo. You are also welcome to contribute by submitting PRs.
This is an unofficial tracker for binance accounts. I am in no way affiliated with Binance, use at your own risk.
Source Code: Documentation:
If you used quite intensively Binance, it can take some time to retrieve everything that happened on your account. This library is made to save locally the events of your account so that you don't need to fetch your history from the beginning every time.
It currently supports:
Spot Trades
Spot Crypto Deposits
Spot Crypto Withdraws
Spot Dividends
Spot Dusts
Universal Transfers
Lending Purchases
Lending Interests
Lending Redemptions
Cross Margin Trades
Cross Margin Repayment
Cross Margin Loans
Cross Margin Interests
Isolated Margin Trades
Isolated Margin Repayment
Isolated Margin Loans
Isolated Margin Interests
Isolated Margin Transfers *
*: see Known Issues
section below.
Generate an API Key <>
_ in your binance account. Only read
permissions are needed.
is available on PYPI <>
_, install with pip
.. code:: bash
pip install BinanceWatch
If you prefer to install the latest developments use:
.. code:: bash
pip install git+
Use your Binance api keys to initiate the manager:
.. code:: python
from BinanceWatch.BinanceManager import BinanceManager
api_key = "<API_KEY>"
api_secret = "<API_SECRET>"
bm = BinanceManager(api_key, api_secret)
# fetch the latest spot trades from Binance
.. code:: bash
Out -> fetching BIFIBUSD: 100%|██████████████████████| 1349/1349 [06:24<00:00, 3.51it/s]
.. code:: python
from datetime import datetime
from BinanceWatch.utils.time_utils import datetime_to_millistamp
start_time = datetime_to_millistamp(datetime(2018,1,1))
# get the locally saved spot trades made after 2018/01/01
spot_trades = bm.db.get_trades('spot', start_time=start_time)
You can also call update functions at an account-type level, and it will call every update methods related to this account-type:
.. code:: python
bm.update_spot() # (trades, transfers, deposits ...)
bm.update_cross_margin() # (trades, loans, repays, interests...)
bm.update_lending() # (purchases, interests, redemptions..)
If this library has helped you in any way, feel free to donate:
- ETH: 0xfb0ebcf8224ce561bfb06a56c3b9a43e1a4d1be2
- LTC: LfHgc969RFUjnmyLn41SRDvmT146jUg9tE
- EGLD: erd1qk98xm2hgztvmq6s4jwtk06g6laattewp6vh20z393drzy5zzfrq0gaefh
Some endpoints are not yet provided by Binance, so they can't be implemented in this library:
- Fiat withdraws and deposits
- Locked stacking history
- Direct purchases with debit card
- Some isolated margin transfers are not picked up by the API, the reason is unknown at the moment (I am looking for testers)