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FFahimFBA committed 2 years ago

youtube code

FFahimFBA committed 2 years ago

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FFahimFBA committed 2 years ago

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FFahimFBA committed 2 years ago

update: README

FFahimFBA committed 2 years ago


FFahimFBA committed 2 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Codeforces Solution

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Problem ID Problem Name Question Answer
1A Theatre Square Question Solution
4A Watermelon Question Solution
25 A IQ test Question Solution
41A 41A Translation Question Solution
50A Domino Piling Question Solution
58A Chat Room Question Solution
59A Word Question Solution
61A Ultra-Fast Mathematician Question Solution
69A Young Physicist Question Solution
71A A Way Too Long Words Question Solution
96A Football Question Answer
110A Nearly Lucky Number Question Answer
112A Petya and Strings Question Solution
116A Tram Question Solution
118A String Task Question Solution
122A Lucky Division Question Solution
131A cAPS lOCK Question Solution
133A HQ9+ Question Solution
136A Presents Question Solution
141A Amusing Joke Question Solution
144A Arrival of the General Question Solution
148A Insomnia Cure Question Solution
158A Next Round Question Solution
160A Twins Question Solution
200B Drinks Question Solution
208A Dubstep Question Solution
228A Is your horseshoe on the other hoof Question Solution
231A Team Question Solution
236A Boy or Girl Question Solution
263A Beautiful Matrix Question Solution
266A Stones on the Table Question Solution
266B Queue at the School Question Solution
268A Games Question Solution
271A Beautiful Year Question Solution
281A Word Capitalization Question Solution
282A Bit++ Question Solution
318A Even Odds Question Solution
337A Puzzles Question Solution
339A Helpful Maths Question Solution
344A Magnets Question Solution
405A Gravity Flip Question Solution
443A Anton and Letters Question Solution
467A George and Accommodation Question Solution
469A I wanna Be the Guy Question Solution
479A Expression Question Solution
486A Calculating Function Question Solution
520A Pangram Question Solution
546A Soldier and Bananas Question Solution
580A Kefa and First Steps Question Solution
617A Elephant Question Solution
670A Holidays Question Solution
677A Vanya and Fence Question Solution
705A Hulk Question Solution
734A Anton and Danik Question Solution
785A Anton and Polyhedrons Question Solution
791A Bear and Big Brother Question Solution
977A Wrong Subtraction Question Solution
996A Hit the Lottery Question Solution
1030A In Search of an Easy Problem Question Solution
1328A Divisibility Problem Question Solution
1335A Candies and Two Sisters Question Solution