The Procrustes library provides a set of functions for transforming a matrix to make it as similar as possible to a target matrix.
Procrustes is distributed under GNU (Version 3) License.
The following dependencies are required to run Procrustes properly,
- Python >= 2.7, or Python >= 3.6:
- PIP >= 9.0:
- SciPy >= 1.0.0:
- NumPy >= 1.14:
- Nosetests >= 1.3.7:
To install using package manager, run:
pip install -e ./ --user
To remove the package, run:
pip uninstall procrustes
To install the cloned package, run:
./ install --user
To run tests:
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package procrustes/. --cover-tests --cover-erase
Any contributor is welcome regardless of their background or programming proficiency. You may refer to the developer guideline for details of how to contribute.
If you are using this package, please reference:
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