This is my biggest study project in life, it was through this project that I started applying my studies in Node.js and Typescript
- [x] Typescript
- [x] Standardization of Code
- [x] ESLint
- [x] Husky
- [x] Lint Staged
- [x] Commit Lint
- [x] TSConfig Paths
- [x] Yarn Workspaces
- [x] Libraries
- [x] HTTP
- [x] Axios
- [x] Mobile
- [x] React Native
- [x] HTTP
- [x] Frameworks
- [x] Tests Frameworks
- [x] Jest
- [x] Tests Libraries
- [x] Supertest
- [x] Server
- [x] Express
- [x] Mobile
- [x] Tests Frameworks
- [x] API to Control
- [x] Puppeteer
- [x] Database
- [x] MongoDB
- [x] UI Design
- [x] Figma
# Cloning project
$ git clone
# Accessing directory of project
$ cd animes-united
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Run Server
$ yarn workspace @animes-united/server start:development
# --------------------
# Run Expo App
$ yarn workspace @animes-united/mobile run start
# | Screens | Added |
1 | Splash | ❌ |
2 | Register | ❌ |
3 | Login | ❌ |
4 | Home | ❌ |
5 | Categories Animes | ✅ |
6 | Category Animes | ✅ |
7 | Category Animes - Filter By Name | ✅ |
8 | Anime Detail | ✅ |
Aluno |
@HallexCosta |