1. What the app will do
- [ ] Insert new tutor records
- [ ] Update tutor information
- [ ] Allow tutors to log in remotely and create an account
- [ ] Delete tutor records
- [ ] Insert new student records
- [ ] Update student information
- [ ] Delete student records
- [ ] Assign tutors to students
- [ ] Create a pdf printout of the assignment
- [ ] Look up assigned students and tutors
- [ ] Login
- [ ] Insert new director
- [ ] Add new subjects
- [ ] Delete/ remove subjects
- [ ] Check up on existing curriculum
2. Database layouts
- tblTutor (tutorID, tutorFirstName, tutorLastName, tutorPhoneNo, tutorEmail, tutorDegree, tutorUniversity, tutorJoinDate, tutorLeaveDate, tutorNote)
- tblTutorSubject (tutorID, tutorSubject, tutorNumberTutoring)
- tblSubject(subjectID, subjectName, subjectGrade, subjectTutorCount, subjectStudentCount)
- tblStudent(studentID, studentFirstName, studentLastName, studentPhoneNo, studentSchool, studentGrade)
- tblStudentSubject (studentID, studentSubject)
- tblAssignment (tutorID, studentID)
- tblDirector (directorID, directorTitle, directorFirstName, directorLastName, directorPhoneNo, directorEmail, directorDegree, directorUniversity, directorJoinDate, directorLeaveDate, directorNote)
- tblSubjectContent (subjectID, subjectGrade, subjectTopic, subjectWeek, subjectComplete)
On another note:
Don't have too many expectations of me! Coding can be difficult!