COMS3010A Operating Systems Project
This repo is full of nonsense because I didn't have enough time to complete the proj.
Other than that, due to lack of testing, I might have missed some edge cases with regards to balloc, but did try to test as much of the balloc as I could.
Bfree currently "works" for the test case I put but there are problems with the current implementation i.e. that the address returned for the 4096 block when everything is freed does not have the address that it started off with. Therefore there must definitely be a problem!
Excuses as to why it sucks is not because I was procrastinating necessarily, because I did try over a span of a few days, but things just kept coming up that took a lot of my time. I had managed my time, but time was against me really. And also genshin impact. And that I had forgotten how primary and buddy had worked after a few days and my mind remembered it completely differently. BUT. Anyways. Maybe one day I will come back to this. It was a project that made me think, and it was sad that I only fully understood it at the last minute. The difficulty was a good challenge.
I ended up getting 100% for this project so maybe it was right after all! I'm still confused as to the memory address issue, it did free correctly looks wise, but the memory address still looked so fishy. But I'm happy and since it is actually 100 % worthy, I have decided to make this repo public.