Ludum Dare 50 Entry by Jimbly - "Carpentangle"
- Play here:
- Using Javascript libGlov/GLOV.js framework
Start with: npm start
(after running npm i
Original Ideas:
- Graph flow - stop flow at one location at a time, or work behind lines to slow flow Theming: advance of an unstoppable military? Gameplay: Basic is easy, probably want to expand Graphics: Maybe simple, probably won't be great Innovation: 3 or 4 Theme: 5
- Match-3 + Puzzle Pirates Carpentry Have an incoming boat every X moves, must fill a boat and get it out of the way in time Gameplay: Whole thing is simple, definitely want scoring / high scores Graphics: Simple Innovation: 3 or 4 Theme: 1
- WorldSeed-like battler Have a stable of robots, fight 3v3, choose one of the fallen robots to add to your stable, combine/upgrade/etc, permadeath to your robots (or, can choose one of them in the end, if you won) - maybe -30% HP -> death thing Enemies keep getting harder have 3 lives / waves that can be let through Gameplay: Complex; risk not getting any interesting upgrade mechanics Graphics: Complex Innovation: 3 or 4, assuming upgrade mechanics Theme: 4
- Salesman of some dead technology - 8-tracks? VHS? Windows Phones?
- Tower Defense-ish against increasing waves single resource, garden, overgrowth themes can place attackers, harvesters, wall builders [maybe: healers, generators] limited resources on the whole map, attacking spends resources to reload Gameplay: Medium-complex Graphics: Complex Innovation: Low Theme: 3