##Introduction A convinience extension in both object and array prototypes to test equalitity of javascript objects and arrays. It's just a simple convenience method to check if an object it's equal to another.
let a = {x : 1, y: 3};
let b = {x : 1, y: 3};
console.log('equals = ' + a.equals(b)); //equals = true
For default uses not value and type compations. But you can add a boolean parameter to make a deep comparation.
let a = {x : 1, y: '3'};
let b = {x : 1, y: 3};
console.log('equals = ' + a.equals(b)); //equals = true
console.log('equals = ' + a.equals(b, true)); //equals = false
##Usage In your file package.json and the js-object-equal@1.0.0 dependence. And run :
npm update