LibCooldownTracker-1.0 for WoW 3.3.5.
Based on LibCooldownTracker-1.0, thanks Vendethiel and team for the source.
Primary changes:
- Utilizes GUIDs instead of unitIDs such that it can be utilized by many more AddOns
- Maintains backwards compatibility (old events still exist)
- Supports RCE-TBC
- Built-in spec detection via LibSpecDetection-1.0 (instead of GladiusEx)
LCT_CooldownUsed(unitid, spellid, isEnemy)
LCT_CooldownUsedByGUID(guid, spellid, isEnemy)
success = lib:Subscribe(self, event, [prefix])
success = lib:Unsubscribe(self, event, [prefix])
tpu = lib:GetUnitCooldownInfo(unitid, spellid, [prefix])
tpu = lib:GetCooldownInfoByGUID(guid, spellid, [prefix])
lib:AddCustomSpell(spellid, info, prefix)
spellid, spell_data in lib:IterateCooldowns(class, specID, race, [prefix])
spell_data = lib:GetCooldownData(spellid, [prefix])
spells_data = lib:GetCooldownsData()
-- Example 1: Registering a callback and retrieving cooldown data
local function OnCooldownUsed(event, guid, spellid, isEnemy)
print("Cooldown used: Event =", event, "GUID =", guid, "Spell ID =", spellid, "Is Enemy =", isEnemy)
-- Get the cooldown data for the spell
local spell_data = lib:GetCooldownData(spellid, "myAddOnPrefix")
if spell_data then
print("Spell cooldown:", spell_data.cooldown)
print("Class:", spell_data.class)
-- Get the current cooldown state for the unit
local currentData = lib:GetCooldownInfoByGUID(guid, spellid, "myAddOnPrefix")
if currentData then
print("Current cooldown start:", currentData.cooldown_start)
print("Current cooldown end:", currentData.cooldown_end)
-- Register the callback
local success = lib:Subscribe(self, "LCT_CooldownUsedByGUID", OnCooldownUsed, "myAddOnPrefix")
if success then
print("Callback registered successfully for myAddOnPrefix")
-- Example 2: Iterating over all cooldowns for a specific class and prefix
for spellid, spell_data in lib:IterateCooldowns("MAGE", nil, nil, "myAddOnPrefix") do
print("Spell ID:", spellid)
print("Spell cooldown:", spell_data.cooldown)
print("Class:", spell_data.class)
if spell_data.specID then
print("Spec IDs:", table.concat(spell_data.specID, ", "))
-- Example 3: Create a custom spell and update an existing spell definition
-- Define a new custom spell
local customSpellID = 999999 -- A unique spell ID for the custom spell
local customSpellData = {
cooldown = 120, -- Cooldown duration in seconds
class = "SHAMAN", -- Class associated with the spell
cooldown_overload = { [262] = 60, }, -- Lower cooldown for Elemental
sets_cooldowns = { -- Spells affected by this cooldown
{ spellid = 51505, cooldown = 10 }, -- Lava Burst, 10-second cooldown
{ spellid = 32182, cooldown = 300 } -- Heroism, 5-minute cooldown
-- Add the custom spell to the library under a specific prefix
lib:AddCustomSpell(customSpellID, customSpellData, "myAddOnPrefix")
print("Custom spell added successfully:", GetSpellInfo(customSpellID))
-- Update an existing spell definition
local existingSpellID = 51505 -- Spell ID for Lava Burst
local updatedSpellData = {
cooldown = 6, -- Adjusted cooldown duration
class = "SHAMAN", -- Class remains the same
specID = { 262, 263 }, -- Optional: spell only exists for Elemental and Enhancement
sets_cooldowns = { -- Update linked cooldowns
{ spellid = 999999, cooldown = 120 }, -- Custom Spell, 2-minute cooldown
-- Assuming the existingSpellID already exists
-- an updated variant connected to the addon prefix "myAddonPrefix" will be created
lib:AddCustomSpell(existingSpellID, updatedSpellData, "myAddOnPrefix")
Prefixes are used to differentiate addons from one another, such that events for custom defined / updated spellIDs can be sent only to the correct subscriber(s) (callback).
You only have to use prefixes if you want to support adding custom spells / configurations in your AddOn.
If you havn't defined a custom variation of a spell which already exists in the base configuration of the library, you will get the data for the base (non-custom) version of that spell.
The library will maintain extra data for each custom variation of spells defined by users of the library. Don't subscribe with a prefix unless you actually need to, it will only consume more CPU/memory for the client.