Reference compiler for the Alpha programming language. Inspired by Andrew W. Appel's Modern Compiler Implementation in ML.
- Alpha is an garbage collected, imperative-styled programming language with features known from object oriented and functional languages.
- Language constructs such as if/else, while, for and function calls work as expected.
- Functions are first-class, meaning that they can be parsed around just as regular variables
- Lambda functions capture their lexically enclosing variables. These two features allows a continuation-passing style approach as seen below.
fun sum(int n, fun(int) -> int f) -> int {
if(n == 0) {
return f(0);
else {
return sum(n-1, (int k) -> int {
return f(k) + n;
fun identity(int n) -> int {
return n;
fun main() -> int {
int n = sum(10, identity);
return n;
Or, using a more procedural style, by summing the values of an array:
fun sum([int] a, int n) -> int {
int total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
total += a[i];
return total;
fun main() -> int {
var a = int[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
a[i] = i+1;
return sum(a, 10);
- Floating point computation is achieved using the float datatype. The following example shows a simple approximation of pi using Leibniz formula for pi:
fun calcPi(float n) -> float {
float pi = 1.0;
for (float i = 3.0; i <= n; i += 4.0) {
pi -= 1.0 / i;
pi += 1.0 / (i + 2.0);
return pi * 4.0;
fun main() -> float {
return calcPi(1000.0);
- Interface- and class declaration syntax is shamelessly stolen from Java. The following shows how an interface is implemented, and class extension is provided using the
interface BinOp {
public fun apply(int a, int b) -> int;
class Plus implements BinOp {
public fun apply(int a, int b) -> int {
return a + b;
fun main() -> int {
BinOp plus = Plus();
return plus.apply(1, 3);
- Switch statements
- Exceptions
- Various optimizations. The first passes to be written are
- Constant propagation and constant folding
- Common subexpression elimination
- Tail recursion
- Loop-invariant code motion