This picture solves a Sudoku.
No really, it does!
Vambda is a visual editor for writing lisp programs, with an emphasis on beauty and visualizing logical structures. You can build and run programs completely in the browser (only tested in Chrome), no installation required.
To start the server:
npm install (to install local dependencies)
Then visit http://localhost:8080/.
See here for a tutorial, or load a demo from the ./demos
Questions, comments, requests? Please send me a message or submit an issue!
I don't actively maintain this -- it served its purpose as interesting experimentation, and if I want to come back to it it'll probably require a rewrite in a proper front-end framework! Some things I know are broken.
- Comments' locations don't match up to the canvas.
Code is visual:
Functions are clear:
Algorithms are beautiful:
Output is correct:
(even for this difficult sparse Sudoku puzzle!)