

4 stars
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List of commits on branch master.

Version 0.2.2

NNarnach committed 16 years ago

Updated documentation to describe what RailsAnalyzer actually does

NNarnach committed 16 years ago

HitStats report files are named after their sort order header; added reports for fastest and slowest requests.

NNarnach committed 16 years ago

Fixed readme

NNarnach committed 16 years ago

Version 0.2.1

NNarnach committed 16 years ago

Cleaned up Array#stddev for readability and performance

NNarnach committed 16 years ago


The README file for this repository.

== RailsAnalyzer RailsAnalyzer generates reports about requests processed by a Ruby on Rails server.

It analyzes the log files created by a Rails server. It can accept any number of files as its command line parameters. It defaults to use 'log/production.log' as its input when no filenames are provided.

Two different reporting engines process the log files:

  • TimeStats, which is concerned with when the request was made. It produces reports with the amount of hits recorded in the log file per time interval, and the relative amount of requests within a time interval. The relative interval simply lowers all hit counts until one hits zero. This makes it easy to filter out periodic requests.
  • HitStats, which is concerned with how fast the requests were handled. It produces reports with detailed time statistics for each request. It has two types of reports: with params and without params. Each type of report produces a number of files, each which is sorted by one of the following statistics for responses: fastest, slowest, sum, average, median, standard deviation and hit count. Both engines produce .txt files as their only output.
  • TimeStats produces log_times_.txt and log_times__relative.txt output.
  • HitStats produces the other log_.txt and log__with_params.txt files.

== Recent changes

=== Version 0.2.2 Added reports for slowest and fastest requests. Documentation updates.

=== Version 0.2.1 Bugfixes:

  • HitStats reports were not generated. They are working again.
  • Array#median always returns a float to prevent integer math (lack of) rounding problems. Dependencies:
  • No longer rely on ActiveSupport. It was used for Array#sum and Array#group_by, which are now implemented in ArrayExt. Specs:
  • Parts of UrlHits and Entries got specs to help debugging the HitStats bug.
  • Added specs for all ArrayExt methods.

=== Version 0.2.0 Split single-file script into one file per existing class. Introduced new classes to handle responsibilities that were not yet handled. Changed classes involved in generating URL hits-based reports to be more flexible. Generally refactored a lot of non-DRY code to be at least a bit nicer.

=== Version 0.1.0 Imported single-file script

== Installation === From gem The gem is located on github. gem install Narnach-rails_analyzer -s === From git From the project root, use rake to install: git clone git:// cd rails_analyzer rake install This will build the gem and install it for you.

== Syntax rails_analyzer [log_file1] [log_file2] [..] [log_fileN] When no log files are provided, log/production.log is used.

== About

Author:: Wes 'Narnach' Oldenbeuving ( Website:: Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Wes Oldenbeuving License:: MIT license. See MIT-LICENSE (in the gem directory) for license details.