"Wise men learn more from fools than fools from wise men" – Cato
A web application that provides a list of quotes within a variety of categories as well provides a user registration and authentication system. This application uses persistent data storage to create a RESTful web application that allows users to perform Read, Create, Update, and Delete operations.
The registration and authentication its done using OAuth 2.0 to access Google API and utilize Google Sign-In. The application also provides three secured JSON Endpoints.
- Python 2.7
- Jinja2
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- OAuth2 authorization protocol
- Google API
- Bootstrap
To run, develop and test the application locally the following are needed.
- Install Vagrant and Virtual Box
- Clone pot-of-quotes-app
- Launch the Vagrant VM
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
- Work on the Flask application locally in the vagrant directory
- Run application within the VM.
python application.py
- Access and test application by visiting
Returns a list of all the categories.
Returns a list of all the quotes under a category.
Returns a single quote under a category.
- Sign Up
- like functionality
- Ability to add background images
- Share functionality
- Sign In not working
- Secret Key missing
- Broken "newQuote" link