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List of commits on branch master.

[libFuse] Add sequence generation functionality

RRichard549 committed 5 years ago

[libFuse] Add option to ignore symbol-weights in TMD calculation

RRichard549 committed 5 years ago

[libFuse] Add CMake defaults for trace definitions

RRichard549 committed 5 years ago

[Test] Initial commit of gtest library and cmake setup

RRichard549 committed 5 years ago

[libFuse] Add preprocessor options to handle different legacy aftermath trace formats

RRichard549 committed 5 years ago

[libFuse] Constrain the aftermath legacy parse to user-defined measurement intervals

RRichard549 committed 5 years ago


The README file for this repository.


This repository contains the Fuse HPM tool presented in:

  1. Neill, R., Drebes, A., and Pop, A. Fuse: Accurate multiplexing of hardware performance counters across executions. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 14, 4 (Dec. 2017), 43:1–43:26
  2. Neill, R., Drebes, A., and Pop, A. Accurate and complete hardware profiling for openmp. In Scaling OpenMP for Exascale Performance and Portability (Cham 2017), B. R. de Supinski, S. L. Olivier, C. Terboven, B. M. Chapman, and M. S. Müller, Eds., Springer International Publishing, pp. 266–280

The repository's main functionality:

  • Execute profiling runs of OpenStream or OpenMP programs
  • Combine the different profiling runs according to a selected combination strategy, to produce a complete profile
  • Analyse the accuracy of the hardware performance monitoring data in a combined profile, via Execution Profile Dissimilarity

The tool is provided as two components:

  • A shared library libFuseHPM in the libFuseHPM/ directory
    • This contains the core Fuse functionality, with the necessary API included via the fuse.h header file
  • A runner tool that provides a wrapper for the library, to enable immediate application of Fuse HPM to a target benchmark
    • This is provided in the src/ directory


The following external projects are required to build Fuse:

The following external projects are optional:

  • MIToolbox is required for BC combination sequence generation This is built by passing -DMUTUAL_INFORMATION=1 to cmake

The following projects are included as dependencies to the libFuseHPM library:

The following projects are further included as dependencies for the runner tool:


The project can be built via CMake, for example:

mkdir build
cd build

FuseHPM can operate on Aftermath trace-files (default), as well as 'legacy' Aftermath trace-files. To use the latter, provide -DAFTERMATH_LEGACY=1 to the cmake build.

Using the tool

Fuse is executed with command line options. These options can be viewed via:

./fuse_runner --help

This produces the following options:

 Main options:
  -d, --target_dir arg        Target Fuse target directory (containing
  -e, --execute_sequence arg  Execute the sequence. Argument is number of
                              repeat sequence executions. Conditioned by
                              'minimal', 'filter_events'.
  -m, --combine_sequence      Combine the sequence repeats. Conditioned by
                              'strategies', 'repeat_indexes', 'minimal',
  -t, --execute_hem arg       Execute the HEM execution profile. Argument is
                              number of repeat executions. Conditioned by
  -a, --analyse_accuracy      Analyse accuracy of combined execution
                              profiles. Conditioned by 'strategies', 'repeat_indexes',
                              'minimal', 'accuracy_metric', 'filter_events'.
  -r, --execute_references    Execute the reference execution profiles.
                              Conditioned by 'filter_events'.
  -c, --run_calibration       Run EPD calibration on the reference profiles.
                              Conditioned by 'filter_events'.

 Miscellaneous options:
  -h, --help           Print this help.
      --log_level arg  Set minimum logging level. Argument is integer
                       position in {trace, debug, info, warn}. Defaults to info.
                       (default: 2)

 Parameter options:
      --strategies arg      Comma-separated list of strategies from
      --repeat_indexes arg  Comma-separated list of sequence repeat indexes
                            to operate on, or 'all'. Defaults t all repeat
                            indexes. (default: all)
      --minimal             Use minimal execution profiles (default is
                            non-minimal). Strategies 'bc' and 'hem' cannot use
      --filter_events       Main options only load and dump data for the
                            events defined in the target JSON (i.e. exclude non
                            HPM events). Default is false.
      --tracefile arg       Argument is the tracefile to load for utility
      --benchmark arg       Argument is the benchmark to use when loading
                            tracefile for utility options.

 Utility options:
      --dump_instances arg      Dumps an execution profile matrix. Argument
                                is the output file. Requires 'tracefile',
      --dump_dag_adjacency arg  Dumps the data-dependency DAG as a dense
                                adjacency matrix. Argument is the output file.
                                Requires 'tracefile', 'benchmark'.
      --dump_dag_dot arg        Dumps the task-creation and data-dependency
                                DAG as a .dot for visualization. Argument is
                                the output file. Requires 'tracefile',

The main options require a target Fuse folder, which defines the runtime, binary, and target hardware events. This folder is provided via the 'target_dir' command line option, which must contain a JSON file: fuse.json, with mandatory fields as follows:

    "binary": "binary_filename",
    "binary_directory": "binary_dir/",
    "runtime": "openstream",
    "target_events": [
    "references_directory": "references",
    "tracefiles_directory": "tracefiles",
    "combinations_directory": "combinations",
    "papi_directory": "papi_dir/bin/"

Optional fields are:

    "args": "args_for_binary_execution",
    "should_clear_cache": true,
    "bc_sequence": [...],
    "minimal_sequence": [...]

The sequences are specified as an ordered JSON list of hardware event sets, given as JSON objects of the form:

    "overlapping": [
    "unique" : [


This project is licensed with GPLv2. Please cite the TACO article if you use this code in your work (