This repository contains Parallel Flame Graph (PFG) code to jointly visualize the execution parallelism and parallel stack-trace of OpenMP programs. The work is inspired by Brendan Gregg's Flame Graphs.
The repository is currently work-in-progress, supporting loop-based OpenMP parallelism. It does not yet support task-based OpenMP parallelism.
PFG examples, visualising a simple parallel program with a single OpenMP parallel loop executed by two OpenMP threads.
Work-in-progress: PFG where area of each bar is proportional to inefficient parallel exection (i.e. low parallelism)
Other than Python3, Matplotlib, and Numpy (tested on 3.6.9
, 3.0.3
, 1.16.4
respectively), the code requires a trace that contains:
Stack frames: Entry and exit timestamps for each stack frame of interest, with CPU, function symbol, frame identifier, and parent frame identifier
Work periods: Entry and exit timestamps for each OpenMP parallel for-loop, for each CPU
Synchronization regions: Entry and exit timestamps for periods of OpenMP synchronization on each CPU, e.g. work-stealing periods, waiting at an OpenMP barrier
To generate this tracefile, the
(branch fn_instrumentation
) tool running on the
Aftermath tracing infrastructure has been
extended to instrument stack traces along with OpenMP constructs (including the
necessary work periods) via the OMPT
callback API. Details for the instrumentation can be found in the AfterOMPT
repository, which produces an efficient trace with .ost
The .ost
tracefile must be parsed to dump a CSV from the tracefile, that can
then be ingested by the PFG code. This currently requires my Aftermath fork
here, which can be
provided the trace and the original binary (to parse its symbol table),
together with the -o
option to dump the callgraph information to STDOUT.
An example trace as .csv
files has been provided in the examples directory.
Passing -h
to the runner provides the usage instructions:
rneill:~/../Parallel-Flame-Graph$ python3 src/ -h
[-o OUTPUT] [-l LOGFILE] [-d LOG_LEVEL] [--tee]
required arguments:
Filename to parse for events (as a CSV).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Calculation method for the bar height when visualising
the parallel stack trace. Options are:1=CONSTANT,
Transformation applied to visualise the parallel stack
trace. Options are:1=NONE, 2=AGGREGATE_CALLS,
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output filename (if set, the PFG will be saved as .PNG)
-l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
Filename to output log messages (defaults to log.txt).
-d LOG_LEVEL, --log_level LOG_LEVEL
Logging level. Options are:1=INFO, 2=DEBUG, 3=TRACE.
Pipe logging messages to stdout as well as the log file
This project is licensed under the MIT License.