Disney's "Frozen" has a rather awesome song in it, which you just might have heard of... "Let it go". There are 44 official translations, and I'd like to compile a collection of translations from each one back to English. Since I don't speak all these languages, that means asking the internet for help!
The original words are owned by Disney. The translations back are written by various people from around the internet; see the individual files or check here for credits. Ideally, I would like contributions to be licensed under a Creative Commons attribution/share-alike license (CC-BY-SA 3.0); all my own work in this project is so licensed.
"25 languages.srt" alone is special. It's designed to go with the "Behind the Mic" video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0T8Cd4UhA - the positions are slightly different, as it has an extended introduction. All the rest, though, are designed to tie in nicely with the published "complete set" as available on iTunes and Amazon etc; you can create a video clip using avconv or ffmpeg like this:
avconv -i movie.mkv -ss 0:31:10 -t 0:03:36 -c copy LetItGo.mkv
Create a symbolic link "Audio" to a directory containing audio files, or add them directly to this directory, to enable the make_video script.
Contribute if you can, and enjoy what others have made... and enjoy Frozen. :)