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The README file for this repository.

Project 3: Collaboration and Competition


For this project, we work with the Tennis environment, where two agents control rackets to bounce ball over a net.
If an agent hits a ball over net, the agent receives a reward of +0.1. If an agent lets a ball hit the ground or hits the ball
out of bounds, the agent receives a reward of -0.01. Thus, the goal of each agent is to keep the ball in play.
The observation space is 24-dimensional consisting of 8 variables corresponding to the position and velocity
of the ball and racket. Each agent receives its own, local observation. Two continuous actions are available, corresponding to movement toward (or away from) the net, and jumping. The accompanying research paper can be found here.

Trained Agent

Maddpg Environment

The environment is simulated by Unity application lying in the subdirectory Tennis_Windows_x86_64. We start the environment as follows:

  env = UnityEnvironment(seed=seed, file_name="Tennis_Windows_x86_64/")

The task is episodic, and in order to solve the environment, the agents must get an average score of +0.5 (over 100 consecutive episodes, after taking the maximum over both agents).

Let us compare multi-agent environment to single agent environments. It requires the training of two separate agents, and the agents need to collaborate under certain situations (like don’t let the ball hit the ground) and compete under other situations (like gather as many points as possible). Just doing a simple extension of single agent RL by independently training the two agents does not work very well because the agents are independently updating their policies as learning progresses. And this causes the environment to appear non-stationary from the viewpoint of any one agent.

Prepare environment on the local machine

You need at least the following three packages:

  1. deep-reinforcement-learning (DRLND)
    The instructions to set up the DRLND repository can be found here. This repository contains material related to Udacity's Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree program.

  2. The project environment is similar to, but not identical to the Tennis environment on the Unity ML-Agents GitHub page. Instead this environment, the project works with the environment which is provided as a part of project (subdirectory 'python')

  3. Unity environment Tennis

    For this project, we not need to install Unity because the environment already built. The environment
    can be downloaded as follows:

    Windows (64-bit), click here
    Windows (32-bit), click here

    Download this environment zip into p3_collab-compet/ folder, and unzip the file.

Train the Agent

Run the notebook Tennis.ipynb

[1] import UnityEnvironment
[2] env = UnityEnvironment(seed=seed, file_name="Tennis_Windows_x86_64/") # create environment
[3] Environments contain brains which are responsible for deciding the actions of their associated agents.
We check for the first brain available.
[4] Examine the State and Action Spaces. We get the information frame as follows:

 Number of agents: 2   
 Size of each action: 2   
 There are 2 agents. Each observes a state with length: 24    
 The state for the first agent looks like: 
 [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.          0.     
   0.          0.          0.          0.          0.          0.   
   0.          0.          0.          0.         -6.65278625 -1.5   
  -0.          0.          6.83172083  6.         -0.          0.        ]     

[5] Create env_info and maddpg agent:

 env_info = env.reset(train_mode=True)[brain_name]      
 agent = maddpg_agent(num_agents=2, state_size=24, action_size=2)   

[6] Define and run the main function train :

 scores_total, scores_global = train(maddpg, env, dir_chkpoints, n_episodes=1700)  

[7] Print graph of scores_total (blue bars) over all episodes, and scores_global
(the line 'Avg on 100 episodes' - orange points)
The environment was solved in 1302 episodes, at this point the Average Score is achieved to +0.5,
see Tennis.ipynb or REPORT.ipynb.

Train History

At 2761 episodes the Average Score is achived to +1.14.

Weights of the Trained Agent

The weights of the trained agent are saved into files

  checkpoint_actor_0.pth,  checkpoint_actor_1.pth,  checkpoint_critic_0.pth, checkpoint_critic_1.pth  

into the directory 'checkpoints'

Watch the Trained Agent

[1] Start the Environment for Trained Agent - Init Red and Blue Agents [3] Play Before Training

  The result score (max over agents) almost for all games: 0.0  

[2] Load weights and Play: Prepare function load and play

  def load(dir) # input - directory containing checkpoint files
  play(agent, env, games) # agent is multi-agent ddpg     

[3] Play after training

  Agent #0: Red racket
  Agent #1: Blue racket
  Game: 1, partial score: [1, 0],  Score #0: 2.60, Score #1: 2.60, Timesteps: 1000 
  Game: 2, partial score: [2, 0],  Score #0: 0.20, Score #1: 0.19, Timesteps: 76 
  Game: 3, partial score: [3, 0],  Score #0: 2.60, Score #1: 2.60, Timesteps: 1000 
  Game: 4, partial score: [4, 0],  Score #0: 2.60, Score #1: 2.60, Timesteps: 1000 
  Game: 5, partial score: [4, 1],  Score #0: 2.60, Score #1: 2.70, Timesteps: 1000 
  Winner: Agent #0


Most of the code is based on the Udacity code for Multi-agent DDPG.