This project presents a multi-threaded web crawler on the Tor network that was used to discover 500 000 onion domains and 6 million pages during a 2 month crawl.
On of its key characteristic is the use of a persistent queue that enables it to be stopped, and restarted from its previous state at any time as well as recover from an unexpected server crash. To crawl pages requiring a login, previously generated cookies can be stored in the src/ressources/cookies.json file.
To run the crawler:
Place the desired seed urls in the src/ressources/seeds.json file.
Generate the uberjar:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
Launch Docker and run the Tor Proxy container:
docker run -d -p 8118:8118 -p 2090:2090 -e tors=50 -e privoxy=1 --rm --name tor_proxy zeta0/alpine-tor
Run the jar with the correct configurations "restore/create" threadCount :
java -jar target/CustomCrawler-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar create 10
To recover from a previous crawl, run the jar with "restore" as first parameter.
The script can be used to build and save the graph of the crawl's data as well as extracting some key features of the topology of the network.
The main bottleneck in web crawling is the query latency for web pages. Due to its complicated protocol, the Tor network can reach a latency of 3s per query which makes multi-threading a necessity for efficient crawling. As a result, this crawler has a main thread dispatching the queries to n worker threads which in turn load the webpages, store them in a thread-specific file and push the newly discovered URL's in a concurrent queue.
To access the Tor network, the crawler sends its queries to a Docker container running a load balancing proxy.
Running the crawl for 2 months on a dedicated server lead to the discovery of 500 000 .onion domains and 6 million pages. From a sample of those domains, a network graph could be generated. Due to limited time, only few features of the network have been extracted but more details about it can be found in the Report file.
- Open JDK 11
- Docker
- Gson
- JSoup
- square/tape