Google’s longest running global coding competition, Code Jam, calls on programmers around the world to solve challenging, algorithmic puzzles against the clock. Contestants advance through four online-hosted rounds to compete at the annual Code Jam World Finals that is held at a different international Google office each year. Each round brings new challenges, and in the end 25 contestants will have the ultimate chance to put their skills to the test, vying for cash prizes and the coveted championship title at the World Finals.
- Reversort : passed all test cases
- Moons and Umbrellas : passed all test cases ( + special test case worth only one point just for challenging ourselves )
- Reversort Engineering : passed all test cases
- Median Sort : not treated
- Cheating Detection : not treated
Points needed : 30
Points obtained : 42
- Closest Pick : passed all test cases
- Roaring Years : passed first test cases
- Double or NOTing : no test cases passed ( first test cases passed 15 min after the end of the contest )
Rank needed to pass : 1500
If I was a bit more faster, I could have passed the round1C. Overall, it was fun and I hope to do better for CodeJam2022 =)