GitHub repository for building AXIS java object from BIG-IP WSDLs
This is tested on linux machines with the following packages installed an in the executatble path:
and have Internet access to the maven public repositories.
Step 1. Edit the pom.xml file setting the properties to your BIG-IP.
This will enable the build to login to your and download your version
of the iControl WSDLs.
You need to edit the following three properties starting on line 11. admin adminYou can test your values by opening a web browser to:
and when prompted for basic credentials use the [bigipusername] and [bigippassword] you put in the pom.xml file. The build script will attempt to fetch the WSDL files from your BIG-IP each time you run it. The actual git script objects are less than 50kB (basically size of a jpeg on a web page) so you can keep different version of the iControl jar for each version of BIG-IP you code against.
Step 2. Use maven to build AXIS java objects and optionally install them
To build you can issue:
mvn package
If you are only working with one version of the iControl object (or just the latest!) you can also install the jar file into your local maven repository
mvn install
If the credentials to get to the BIG-IP or wrong or the BIG-IP can not be reached, the build process will do very little and build an empty jar file. No WSDLs = no java objects!
You will see the build script first get the WSDLs and then build each. If you do not see this, then it had problems getting to your BIG-IP to get the WSDLs.
John Gruber