The project has been replaced with Mobius as python backend is now has support again
- Mobius.js is a core framework recreation of MODUS.
- It uses better code, better practices and open source!
MODUS is a multipurpose discord bot for Fallout 76 players in mind but it is constantly being worked on with new commands & features for all types of communities.
What can the bot do? It allows people to various Fallout 76 information. The aim of the bot is to provide various information to the players of Fallout 76. Information that is gathered by the community and shared by the community. MODUS is partnered with other projects to provide all their services in one place on discord. It allows users to look up prices on items and plans found in the game. It allows for getting nuclear codes codes which rotates weekly & much more. There is also a dice roller and other non Fallout 76 commands that people can use like reaction roles which allows discord server owners to provide better experience for their users.
The discord bot is currently going through its third overhaul and is now going open source. Integration with discord's new slash commands are on its way.
1 stars
0 forks
6 issues
List of commits on branch main.Verified
TTexNevada committed 2 years ago
74c35fc31bf8b7fd8858691c9f500f358c88ba84updated readme
TTexNevada committed 3 years ago
bb45f5f7aa725c2b55397d3e3ba6cf05655571abrenamed serverinfo file
TTexNevada committed 3 years ago
020f3fd7feda8ab66360efa3bedb449ad2c98d32Premium json info
TTexNevada committed 3 years ago
04dac22e7899e47aefec3f2fa7acba43f27307d2Added permission control
TTexNevada committed 3 years ago
1f3f4a6283d9f21e94fff8f18a91b204911e25c3Updated serverinfo.js with Yoni's work
TTexNevada committed 3 years ago