A translation from extensional type theory (ETT) to intensional type theory (ITT)
Authors: Théo Winterhalter, Matthieu Sozeau and Nicolas Tabareau
Quick jump
A translation to weak type theory instead of ITT can be found in ett-to-wtt.
This work is a Coq formalisation of a translation from ETT to ITT that can be interfaced with Coq thanks to the MetaCoq plugin. Additionally, sorts are handled quite generically (although without cumulativity) which means in particular that we can have a translation from Homotopy Type System (HTS) to Two-Level Type Theory (2TT) as a direct application.
ETT differs from ITT by the addition of the reflection rule:
Γ ⊢ e : u = v
Γ ⊢ u ≡ v
In order to see more clearly what it does, here are a few examples that can be found in this repository.
A toy example of ETT would be to use an equality between types in context to coerce a term.
Fail Definition pseudoid (A B : Type) (e : A = B) (x : A) : B := x.
This of course fails in Coq / ITT because A
and B
are not convertible.
In order to still be able to write our example in Coq we use a notation
reminiscent of Agda {! _ !}
with an underlying axiom going from any type
to any other. With it we can write:
Definition pseudoid (A B : Type) (e : A = B) (x : A) : B := {! x !}.
Using the power of MetaCoq, we can quote it, translate it using our translation, and then unquote it to get back a Coq term:
Run TemplateProgram (Translate ε "pseudoid").
which defines
pseudoidᵗ =
fun (A B : Type) (e : A = B) (x : A) => transport (pseudoid_obligation_0 A B e x) x
: forall A B : Type, A = B -> A -> B
This is what you would expect, and what you would write by hand: the use of reflection has been replaced by a transport.
An already more challenging example involves playing around with inductive types and eliminators (we don't handle fixed points and pattern-matching).
Consider for this the type of length-indexed lists:
Inductive vec A : nat -> Type :=
| vnil : vec A 0
| vcons : A -> forall n, vec A n -> vec A (S n).
One more realistic example would be the reversal of vectors (using an accumulator):
Fail Definition vrev {A n m} (v : vec A n) (acc : vec A m) : vec A (n + m) :=
vec_rect A (fun n _ => forall m, vec A m -> vec A (n + m))
(fun m acc => acc) (fun a n _ rv m acc => rv _ (vcons a m acc))
n v m acc.
Indeed, in ITT, it is not possible to write it directly like this, as we would
do in the non dependent case (lists). This time it has to do with commutativity
of addition: S n + m
and n + S m
are not convertible.
We then write the ETT definition below.
Definition vrev {A n m} (v : vec A n) (acc : vec A m) : vec A (n + m) :=
vec_rect A (fun n _ => forall m, vec A m -> vec A (n + m))
(fun m acc => acc) (fun a n _ rv m acc => {! rv _ (vcons a m acc) !})
n v m acc.
To translate it we must first put its dependencies in the translation context.
Run TemplateProgram (
Θ <- TranslateConstant ε "nat" ;;
Θ <- TranslateConstant Θ "vec" ;;
Θ <- TranslateConstant Θ "Nat.add" ;;
Θ <- TranslateConstant Θ "vec_rect" ;;
Translate Θ "vrev'"
We then obtain the following translation (after the system solves automatically 4 equality obligations) with exactly one transport as expected.
fun (A : Type) (n m : nat) (v : vec A n) (acc : vec A m) =>
vec_rect A
(fun (n0 : nat) (_ : vec A n0) =>
forall m0 : nat, vec A m0 -> vec A (n0 + m0))
(fun (m0 : nat) (acc0 : vec A m0) => acc0)
(fun (a : A) (n0 : nat) (v0 : vec A n0)
(rv : forall m0 : nat, vec A m0 -> vec A (n0 + m0))
(m0 : nat) (acc0 : vec A m0) =>
transport (vrev_obligation3 A n m v acc a n0 v0 rv m0 acc0)
(rv (S m0) (vcons a m0 acc0))) n v m acc
: forall (A : Type) (n m : nat), vec A n -> vec A m -> vec A (n + m)
This project can be compiled with Coq 8.11 and requires
Equations 1.2.1
MetaCoq 1.0 alpha2 (only the template
and checker
sub-packages are necessary).
These can be installed via opam.
opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released
opam update
opam install coq-metacoq-checker.1.0~alpha2+8.11 coq-equations.1.2.1+8+11
Once you have the dependencies, simply run
to build the project (it takes quite some time unfortunately, so you
can use options like -j4
to speed up a little bit).
All of the formalisation can be found in the theories
The file util.v provides useful lemmata that aren't specific to the formalisation.
First, Sorts introduces a notion of sort (as a type-class)
stating the basic properties required, and provides different instances
like the natural number hierarchy, type-in-type, or even HTS/2-level TT.
In SAst we define the common syntax to both ETT (Extensional type theory)
and ITT (our own version of Itensional type theory with some sugar) in the form of
a simple inductive type sterm
Since terms (sterm
) are annotated with names—for printing—which are
irrelevant for computation and typing, we define an erasure map nl : sterm -> nlterm
in Equality from which we derive a decidable equality on sterm
We then define lifting operations, substitution and closedness in SLiftSubst.
First, in SCommon we define common utility to both ETT and ITT,
namely with the definition of contexts (scontext
) and global
contexts (sglobal_context
), the latter containing the declarations of constants.
Conversion is about the untyped conversion used in ITT
(conversion t ≡ u
is derived from one-step reduction t ▷ u
) and contains
the only axiom of the whole formalisation (stating that conversion
is transitive, this would require us to prove confluence of the
rewriting system, which we deem orthogonal to our proof).
XTyping contains the definition of typing rules of ETT
(Σ ;;; Γ |-x t : A
), mutually defined with a typed conversion (Σ ;;; Γ |-x t ≡ u : A
and the well-formedness of contexts (wf Σ Γ
ITyping is the same for ITT with the difference that the conversion
isn't mutually defined but instead the one defined in Conversion)
and that it also defines a notion of well-formedness of global declarations (type_glob Σ
In ITypingInversions one can find an inversion lemma for
each constructor of the syntax, together with the tactic ttinv
to apply the right one.
In ITypingLemmata are proven a list of different lemmata
regarding ITT, including the fact that whenever we have Σ ;;; Γ |-i t : A
then A
well sorted and that lifting and substitution preserve typing.
Context conversion and the associated typing preservation lemma are found in
A uniqueness of typing lemma (if Σ ;;; Γ |-i t :A
and Σ ;;; Γ |-i t :B
then A ≡ B
) is proven in
Subject reduction and the corollary that we call subject conversion (whenever two terms are convertible
and well-typed, their types are also convertible) are proven in
ITypingAdmissible states admissible rules in ITT.
PackLifts defines the lifting operations related to packing. Packing consists
in taking two types A1
and A2
and yielding the following record type (where x ≅ y
stands for heterogenous equality between x
and y
Record Pack A1 A2 := pack {
ProjT1 : A1 ;
ProjT2 : A2 ;
ProjTe : ProjT1 ≅ ProjT2
In order to produce terms as small / efficient as possible, we provide optimised versions of some constructors, for instance, transport between two convertible terms is remapped to identity. Thanks to this, terms that live in ITT should be translated to themselves syntactically (and not just up to transport). This is done in Optim, relying on a (semi-)decision procedure for conversion in ITT defined in DecideConversion.v. FundamentalLemma contains the proof of the fundamental lemma, crucial step for our translation. Translation contains the translation from ETT to ITT.
In order to write ETT derivations more effectively, we develop some of the meta-theory of ETT. XInversions provides inversion lemmata for ETT while XTypingLemmata provides lift and substitution lemmata, along with the proof that the type in a judgement is well sorted.
For type checking, we write one tactic for ITT and one for ETT. Their respective definitions can be found in IChecking and XChecking.
To realise the sugar of ITT, we define some constants in Quotes and then quote them to MetaCoq's inner representation of terms. The translation from ITT to MetaCoq is done in FinalTranslation. FullQuote is for the opposite: generating an ITT term from a MetaCoq (and thus Coq) term, it is useful to generate examples.
Finally plugin defines a plugin using the TemplateMonad. It relies on type checkers written in plugin_checkers and some extra utility in plugin_util.
To see the plugin in action, just have a look at plugin_demo!