A tool for figuring out what Apple ID was used for each apps on an iOS device.
This tool can help you find out which Apple ID was used for purchasing all your apps.
Install with any package manager you like, for example:
$ pnpm install -g idevice-app-id-finder
Then you can use it like this:
$ idevice-app-id-finder -h
Usage: idevice-app-id-finder [options] [command]
A tool for figuring out what Apple ID was used for each apps on an iOS device
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
devices Print connected devices
list [options] List all apps installed on the device
help [command] display help for command
If you connect only one device, run it directly:
$ idevice-app-id-finder
Getting connected devices
Using device Tinko's iPhone
Starting installation proxy service
Listing installed apps...
List installed app finished.
Getting iTunes mainfest
Starting parsing mainfest for 100 apps...
Done, output written to output.csv
Output will be like
Bundle Identifier,Display Name,Apple ID
For more options, you can use idevice-app-id-finder list -h
to get help.
Available options:
$ idevice-app-id-finder list -h
Usage: idevice-app-id-finder list [options]
List all apps installed on the device
-o, --output <file> Output file (default: ./output.csv)
-d, --device <device> Device to use (default: "auto")
-h, --help display help for command
This package also supports using as a library. See src/index.ts for more details.
- appium/appium-ios-device for fetching files from iDevice
- TooTallNate/plist.js for parsing XML style plist files
- joeferner/node-bplist-parser for parsing binary plist files
- tj/commander.js for CLI interface