I created this powershell script to make it easier to explore how the IMVU client and it's systems work
- Clone this repo into a easy to find folder
- Open up powershell on Windows and type in the following
set-executionpolicy unrestricted
this will allow you to tune the script without issues - Run
and just do what it says
- You need Python 2.7.9 because for what ever reason IMVU still uses python
- You will need an older version of click to be able to install uncompyle6 which can be downloaded using pip:
C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install click==7.1.2
- You need the latest uncompyle6 which can be downloaded using pip:
C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install uncompyle6
Note your python27 folder must be in c:\python27 or nothing will work