|Pythons| |PyPI| |Ruff|
.. |Pythons| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/python-jsonlogic.svg :alt: Supported Python versions :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-jsonlogic/
.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/python-jsonlogic.svg :alt: PyPI - Version :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-jsonlogic/
.. |Ruff| image:: https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/astral-sh/ruff/main/assets/badge/v2.json :alt: PyPI - Version :target: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff
is an extensible and sane implementation of JsonLogic
, making use of the JSON Schema
.. _JSON Schema
: https://json-schema.org/
While the JsonLogic
_ format can be great to serialize logic, it lacks a formal specification
and some aspects are unclear/unspecified:
operators <https://jsonlogic.com/operations.html>
_ arguments can take any value. For instance,comparison operators <https://jsonlogic.com/operations.html#---and->
_ are said to work with "numeric" values, however theJavaScript playground <https://jsonlogic.com/play.html>
_ doesn't validate inputs. It is also convenient to allow such comparison operators for date and datetime objects as well. - Operators
accessing data <https://jsonlogic.com/operations.html#accessing-data>
_ use a dot-like notation, which is ambiguous when dealing with keys such asmy.key
. - Operators such as
map <https://jsonlogic.com/operations.html#map-reduce-and-filter>
_ provides their own data scope, making it impossible to access higher-level data inside the operator expression.
For these reasons, python-jsonlogic
provides a way to typecheck your JSON Logic expressions at "compile" time,
before applying input data to them.
.. _JsonLogic
: https://jsonlogic.com/
From PyPI:
.. code:: bash
pip install python-jsonlogic
The library can be imported from the jsonlogic
.. code-block:: python
# 1. Create or use an already existing operator registry:
from jsonlogic.operators import operator_registry
# 2. Parse the JSON Logic expression:
from jsonlogic import JSONLogicExpression
expr = JSONLogicExpression.from_json({"map": [
[1, 2],
{"*": [{"var": ""}, {"var": "/my_int@1"}]},
# 3. Create an operator tree:
root_op = expr.as_operator_tree(operator_registry)
# 4. Typecheck the expression:
from jsonlogic.typechecking import typecheck
typ, diagnostics = typecheck(
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"my_int": {"type": "integer"}
#> ArrayType(IntegerType())
# 5. Evaluate with data:
from jsonlogic.evaluation import evaluate
value = evaluate(
data={"my_int": 2},
#> [2, 4]