Set of ontologies and resources to evaluate OWL reasoners
- Graph: Histogram of logical axioms
- Graph: Expressivity of ontologies
- Graph: Kernel density estimation of logical axioms
- Descriptive statistics of dataset
- Some selected ORE competitions
Update expressivity information:
awk -F "," '{print $16}' test-cases/all/filelist.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r > test-cases/all/filelist.csv.expressivity.txt
Update summary information:
R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore scrits/summary.r /tmp/out ; cat /tmp/out
Create a file with metadata information about the ontologies:
cat test-cases/all/ontologies.csv | grep -f test-cases/inconsistent/filelist.txt > test-cases/inconsistent/filelist.csv