- An Image to Icon Converter created in python with tkinter gui.
- Using this we can convert any image (.jpg, .png or any other) to .ico (icon) file.
- python 3
- os module
- tkinter module
- filedialog from tkinter
- User just need to download the file, and run the image_to_icon_converter.py, on local system.
- After running a GUI window appears, click on select and add image from the local system.
- select the size from the drop down list.
- Enter the name of the icon file you want.
- Click on convert, then one message appears "Converted Successfully!".
- Also if we select nothing and try to convert , we get a message "Something went wrong!".
- Also we can click on preview button to see how icon looks like.
- Also there is exit button, clicking on which we get a exit dialog box asking the permission to exit.
- Akash Ramanand Rajak