🤝 Collaborative Project 👋🏽 Individual Project 📝 Demos
A collection of small projects that Shira and I built without any starter templates to explore different JS concepts. Some of these are small individual projects while others are collaborative! INDEPENDENT of the Codecademy, FreeCodeCamp, and other course projects!!!
(2020 - Pres)
Not in chronological order
- 👋🏽 BookList-App - Vanilla JS
- 👋🏽 React JS Hooks Practice
- 👋🏽 Jot - Whiteboarding tool to make drawings, to-do-lists, post-its, and notes!
- 👋🏽 NSynth 2.0 - Synthesizer, drum pads, and sequencer built using Tone.js
Below is a list of followed-along demos of React JS concepts.
- 📝 React Demo - React JS (no hooks)