The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted database. Data is stored as JSON and synchronized in realtime to every connected client. When you build cross-platform apps with our iOS, Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all of your clients share one Realtime Database instance and automatically receive updates with the newest data.
- First Go to Firebase Console and Create New Project.
- After Creating the project, in project click on settings icon besides project Name in left sidebar and select Permissions.
- On Permissions Page Click on Service accounts in left sidebar then click on Create Service Account
- In the popup window enter your service account name and choose Account Role and select Furnish a new private key and after that select JSON and click Create(Leave Enable Google App Domain-wide Delegation Unchecked).
- When you click create it will download a JSON file with your Account Credentials, just save the file Anywhere in your System.
- Next step is to Create a Database in your Firebase Console for which Go to Firebase Console and click on Database in left-sidebar. After that just create a new Database Object with Name user_data with some dummy value.
- Now your Firebase Database project is setup now simply clone this repository or download it as zip in any directory in your system.
- After downloading this repository just change with the JSON Credentials file URL(For starters just copy the credentials file in Same folder and in index.js file just add the credentials File Name).
- Next step is to change the in index.js with actual Firebase Database URL, you will be able to find this URL in Firebase Console in Database Tab, The URL will be like
- The final step is to do
npm install firebase
After Executing above command NPM will install necessary packages required for Firebase.
- Finally to run and test project execute
node index.js
The project loads the Data from cloud based Firebase Database. The project also demonstrates how to Write and Read data from a Firebase Data Object.