This is an implementation of TestNG on a sample Java Maven Project with unit tests.
Running: Run as a maven project. Run tests with <<< mvn clean site >>> this will generate a gui that shows you the full readout of the test coverage
- Outline naming standards for building tests.
- Show how we structure tests
- Actually writing the entire test suite isn't needed
Testing Strategies:
- Make sure each function is called
- Make sure each function has base functionaly working
- Make sure each function can take anything as it's imputs and behave correctly
- Make sure tests cover 90% (or so of code);
See full site implementation here after running mvn site target/site/index.html
Abstract classes: AnimalImplementation
Method Naming; void whenThisIsOneThing_thenThisOtherThingHappens();
add classes to test in src/test/resources/testng.xml
- Must include the full class prop name