This repo contains the source code for, which helps you find untagged posts on Tumblr.
The idea for this site started in 2013, when a friend was trying to go back and retag her old Tumblr posts. Without a way to easily see all her untagged posts, it was impossible for her to be sure that she was done. I wrote her a Python script to get the job done, and that was that.
In 2014, I was getting a lot of hits to that post, but a Python script isn’t very user friendly. I wrote this site to be an easier way to get a list of your untagged posts, because clearly it was something people wanted.
All the source code is on GitHub, and released under the MIT license.
The site is written as a single HTML file, plus a bit of JavaScript and CSS.
The original HTML is in the root of the repo; to minify it before pushing I run the command:
$ htmlmin index.html site/index.html
using the htmlmin library.
The site is deployed to my web server by running
$ rsync -r site/ helene.linode:sites/