This repo contains all the material I used while attending Weights & Biases' MLOPs course.
The dataset used for this course is the BDD simple 1k, which is a small subset of the original BDD 100k dataset.
The task to be trained on is a semantic segmentation problem.
Checkout the project on Weights & Biases.
Ensure your gpu driver & cuda are properly setup for pytorch to use it (the name of your device should appear):
If you don't have it already, install poetry:
make setup-poetry
Setup the environment:
git clone
cd wandb-mlops-course
conda create --yes --name wandb python=3.10
conda activate wandb
poetry install
Download the bdd1k
make dataset
This will download and extract the archive into artifacts/
and then delete the original .zip
You can also download it manually here. If you do, you'll need to update the dataset.dir
option in src/
Login to W&B website and get your key to paste it later into your terminal when prompted.
Change the wandb.entity
option in the src/ to yours.
You can also change the wandb.project
name if you wish to use a different one.
Make your commands shorter with this alias
alias py='poetry run python'
poetry run python -m src.01_eda
poetry run python -m src.02_data_split
poetry run python -m src.03_baseline