This (small) package provides handy functions for testing attoparsec parsers with hspec.
To see it in action, what better way is there than looking at hspec-attoparsec's own test suite!
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Test.Hspec.AttoparsecSpec where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Text
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Attoparsec
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "shouldParse" $
it "works on: \"x\" ~> char 'x'" $
("x" :: Text) ~> char 'x'
`shouldParse` 'x'
describe "parseSatisfies" $ do
it "works on: \"x\" and (=='x')" $
("x" :: Text) ~> char 'x'
`parseSatisfies` (=='x')
it "\">>>\" satisfies length == 3 when parser as a list of char" $
(">>>" :: Text) ~> many (char '>')
`parseSatisfies` ((==3) . Prelude.length)
describe "shouldFailOn" $
it "char 'x' fails on \"ha\"" $
char 'x' `shouldFailOn` ("ha" :: Text)
describe "shouldSucceedOn" $
it "char 'x' succeeds on \"x\"" $
char 'x' `shouldSucceedOn` ("x" :: Text)
describe "leavesUnconsumed" $
it "works on \"xa\" ~?> char 'x'" $
("xa" :: Text) ~?> char 'x'
`leavesUnconsumed` "a"
it "char 'x' leaves nothing unconsumed on \"x\"" $
("x" :: Text) ~?> char 'x'
`leavesUnconsumed` ""