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List of commits on branch main.

Initial commit

aamonshiz committed 4 years ago


The README file for this repository.



To gain experience building interfaces using SwiftUI by rebuilding a well known interface in iOS. There are others doing something similar with various other interfaces but I wanted to try something a little more varied.


I essentially just took screenshots of each view and then attempted to recreate it to a reasonable fidelity. This process was definitely a learning experience and one that let me uncover a few rough edges.


You can follow along in my repo feedback-examples for all the Feedback that I eventually file, but the following are ones filed directly because of this project:

  • listview-scrollviewreader: List within a ScrollViewReader does not scroll when scrollTo(_, anchor:) is used
  • recents-tab-sample: The navigation bar does not allow both a toolbar item in the .principal position and a title for the view
  • navigationtitle-large: When using the .automatic/.large options for navigationBarTitleDisplayMode and displaying a ScrollView as the "root" view, the title will immediately jump into the navigation bar on any scroll thus disrupting the flow/offset that the user would expect. List does not suffer from this issue.
  • listview-editmode-move:The move/reorder control on List rows changes the divider's trailing inset when this is not what happens with a normal UITableView
  • No obvious way to set the toolbar/tab bar background for a given view, so the Keypad is unable to make the background white and thus "hide" the tab bar.
  • No clear way to prevent a TextField from displaying a keyboard
