Authinvi is a .NET console application library for authenticating Twitter users to Twitter apps, using PIN-based authentication.
If you have a Twitter app that supports Sign-in With Twitter, you can authenticate additional Twitter users to the app and retrieve user access token and access token secrets, via a web-browser and PIN-based login flow. This is useful when authenticating multiple users to an app when you don't want to build a full authentication backend - for example, authenticating "bot" users to a script or application of your choice.
It is almost identical to / based on the great example code from the Tweetinvi documentation, built because I wanted a single executable to use as an example for bot developers. Inevitably, it may evolve and grow over time.
This was built using .NET Core 3.1 and Tweetinvi 5.0.1. Assuming these are available, you should be in good shape.
To start from scratch (skipping all of the command outputs):
$ dotnet new console // creates the app skeleton
$ dotnet add package tweetinviapi // installs the latest Tweetinvi from nuget
// you've got this code - just wanted to get you bootstrapped
$ dotnet run [CONSUMER_KEY] [CONSUMER_SECRET] // from Twitter app dashboard
-- OR --
$ dotnet dotnet publish -r win10-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true // builds a single .exe
$ authinvi [CONSUMER_KEY] [CONSUMER_SECRET] // from release folder
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. There are already TODOs in the code...
- @linvi - who has poured his talents and care into a great .NET experience for Twitter developers for more years than I can remember. Thank you!