- Overview - What is the tomcat module?
- Module Description - What does the module do?
- Setup - The basics of getting started with tomcat
The tomcat module installs and configures Apache Tomcat instances from either the packages available in your distribution's repositories, or from any archive file you provide to it.
This module will install the desired version of the Apache Tomcat Web Application Container from almost any possible source, including the repositories available on the target system (distribution repositories or third-party sources like JPackage and EPEL)
A long list of parameters allow a fine tuning of the server and the JVM. Tomcat's most common elements are provided, and virtually any missing parameters can be included using the hash parameters present in each block.
It is also possible to configure, besides the server itself, admin applications, extra libraries, etc.
The creation of individual instances following Apache's guidelines is supported via a custom type.
tomcat will affect the following parts of your system:
- tomcat packages and dependencies
- tomcat service(s)
- instances configuration
- tomcat user database(s) and authorized users (defined type)
Including the main class is enough to install the default version of Tomcat provided by your distribution, and run it with default settings.
include tomcat
Install from archive instead of distribution package
class { 'tomcat':
install_from => 'archive',
version => '8.0.15'
Disable main instance and setup 2 individual instances
class { 'tomcat':
service_ensure => 'stopped',
service_enable => false
tomcat::instance { 'instance1':
server_control_port => 8005,
http_port => 8080,
ajp_connector => false,
tomcat::instance { 'instance2':
server_control_port => 8006,
http_port => 8081,
manage_firewall => true,
Start a second instance with a different tomcat version
class { 'tomcat':
install_from => 'archive',
version => '7.0.55'
tomcat::instance { 'my_app':
version => '8.0.18'
Use a non-default JVM and run it with custom options
class { 'tomcat':
java_home => '/usr/java/jre1.7.0_65',
java_opts => ['-server', '-Xmx2048m', '-Xms256m', '-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC']
Enable the manager/host-manager webapps and configure default admin
class { 'tomcat':
admin_webapps => true,
create_default_admin => true,
admin_user => 'tomcatmaster',
admin_password => 'meow'
Use with custom packages/custom installation layouts (eg. with Ulyaoth)
class { 'tomcat':
package_name => 'ulyaoth-tomcat8',
version => '8.0.15'
service_name => 'tomcat',
config_path => '/opt/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh',
catalina_home => '/opt/tomcat',
catalina_pid => '$CATALINA_TMPDIR/$SERVICE_NAME.pid',
admin_webapps_package_name => 'ulyaoth-tomcat8-admin',
tomcat_native => true,
tomcat_native_package_name => 'ulyaoth-tomcat-native'
Download Tomcat archives behind a proxy server
class { 'tomcat':
proxy_server => 'http://user:password@proxy.example.com:8080'
Enable the standard AJP connector on non-default port with custom parameters
class { 'tomcat':
ajp_connector => true,
ajp_port => 8090,
ajp_params => { 'address' => '', 'packetSize' => 12288 }
Configure custom connectors
class { 'tomcat':
connectors => [
{ 'port' => 9080,
'protocol' => 'org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol',
'maxPostSize' => 2500000
{ 'port' => 9081,
'allowTrace' => true
Configure a nested HTTP/2 connector (Tomcat 8.5+)
class { 'tomcat':
connectors => [
{ 'port' => 8443,
'protocol' => 'org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol',
'SSLEnabled' => true,
'defaultSSLHostConfigName' => 'example.com',
'upgradeprotocol' => {
'className' => 'org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol',
'readTimeout' => 5000
'sslhostconfigs' => [
{ 'hostName' => 'example.com',
'honorCipherOrder' => true,
'certificates' => [
{ 'certificateKeystoreFile' => 'conf/localhost.jks',
'type' => 'RSA'
{ 'certificateKeyFile' => 'conf/localhost-key.pem',
'certificateFile' => 'conf/localhost-crt.pem',
'certificateChainFile' => 'conf/localhost-chain.pem',
'type' => 'RSA'
Configure custom Listeners
class { 'tomcat':
listeners => [
{ 'className' => 'org.apache.catalina.storeconfig.StoreConfigLifecycleListener'
{ 'className' => 'org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig',
'directoryName' => 'public_html'
Customize Host
class { 'tomcat':
host_autodeploy => false,
host_deployonstartup => false,
host_unpackwars => true,
host_params => { createDirs => true },
contexts => [{ path => '', docBase => '/home/app', crossContext => true }]
or for more complex setup
class { 'tomcat':
hosts => [
name => 'www.example.org',
deployonstartup => false,
unpackwars => true,
createDirs => true,
contexts => [{ path => '', docBase => '/home/app', crossContext => true }],
valves => [{ className => 'org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve', directory => 'logs', prefix => 'app_access_log', suffix => '.txt', pattern => '%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b'}]
name => 'cas.example.org',
deployonstartup => false,
unpackwars => true,
createDirs => true,
contexts => [{ path => '', docBase => '/home/cas', crossContext => true }],
valves => [{ className => 'org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve', directory => 'logs', prefix => 'cas_access_log', suffix => '.txt', pattern => '%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b'}]
Enable the remote JMX listener and remote JVM monitoring
class { 'tomcat':
jmx_listener => true,
jmx_registry_port => '8050',
jmx_server_port => '8051',
jmx_bind_address => $ipaddress_eth0,
catalina_opts => [ '-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote',
'-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false' ]
Configure custom Realms
class { 'tomcat':
realms => [
{ 'className' => 'org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm',
'pathname' => 'conf/myUsersDb.xml'
{ 'className' => 'org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm',
'dataSourceName' => 'jdbc/myDataSource',
'credentialhandler' => {
'className' => 'org.apache.catalina.realm.MessageDigestCredentialHandler',
'algorithm' => 'md5'
Configure main context.xml
class { 'tomcat':
context_params => { 'docBase' => 'myapproot', 'useHttpOnly' => false },
context_manager => { 'maxActiveSessions' => 1000 },
context_resourcelinks => [
{ 'name' => 'linkToGlobalResource',
'global' => 'simpleValue',
'type' => 'java.lang.Integer'
{ 'name' => 'appDataSource',
'global' => 'sharedDataSource',
'type' => 'javax.sql.DataSource'
Configure default servlet (web.xml)
class { 'tomcat':
default_servlet_listings => true,
default_servlet_gzip => true,
default_servlet_params => { 'sendfileSize' => 64 }
Configure security constraints (web.xml)
class { 'tomcat':
security_constraints => [
{ 'display-name' => 'Security constraint 1',
'auth-constraint' => { 'role-name' => ['admin', 'authenticated'] },
'web-resource-collection' => { 'web-resource-name' => 'My sample web resource',
'url-pattern' => ['/example', '*.gif'],
'http-method' => ['GET', 'POST'] }
{ 'display-name' => 'Security constraint 2',
'user-data-constraint' => { 'transport-guarantee' => 'CONFIDENTIAL',
'web-resource-collection' => { 'url-pattern' => ['/protected/*'],
'http-method-omission' => ['DELETE', 'PUT'] }
Add an additional admin for the manager using a defined type
tomcat::userdb_entry { 'foo':
database => 'main UserDatabase',
password => 'bar',
roles => ['manager-gui', 'manager-script']
Add roles and users using helper parameters
class { 'tomcat':
tomcat_roles => {
'opsgroup' => {} ,
'qagroup' => {}
tomcat_users => {
'opsguy' => {
password => 'qwerty',
roles => [ 'opsgroup', 'admin-gui' ]
'qaguy' => {
password => '01234',
roles => [ 'qagroup', 'manager-gui' ]
This module distinguishes two different contexts:
- global: default instance and global libraries
- instance: individual tomcat instance
Both contexts share most of their parameters.
Primary class and entry point of the module
Parameters within tomcat
Packages and service
What type of source to install from. The module will download the necessary files by itself. Valid values are package
and archive
. Defaults to package
Tomcat package name. Ignored if installed from archive. Default depends on the distribution.
Tomcat package ensure
attribute. Valid values are undef
, present
and latest
. Defaults to undef
(falls back to ${version}
Whether to install the Tomcat Native library. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Tomcat Native library package name. Default depends on the distribution.
Package name for Tomcat extra libraries. If set, forces installation of Tomcat extra libraries from a package repository instead of Apache servers. The ensure
attribute of the package resource will then default to the same value as ${package_ensure}
. Defaults to undef
Admin webapps package name. Default depends on the distribution.
See also Common parameters
Create a Tomcat instance
Parameters within tomcat::instance
Absolute path to the root of all Tomcat instances. Defaults to /var/lib/tomcats
Note: instances will be installed in ${root_path}/${title}
and $CATALINA_BASE will be set to that directory
See also Common parameters
Parameters common to both tomcat
and tomcat::instance
Packages and service
Tomcat full version number. The valid format is 'x.y.z[.M##][-package_suffix]'. The package ensure
attribute will be enforced to this value if Tomcat is installed from a package repository.
Must include the full package suffix on Debian variants.
Note: multi-version only supported if installed from archive
Base path of the source of the Tomcat installation archive, if installed from archive. Supports local files, puppet://, http://, https:// and ftp://. Defaults to ${archive_mirror}/dist/tomcat/tomcat-<maj_version>/v<version>/bin
File name of the Tomcat installation archive, if installed from archive. Defaults to apache-tomcat-<version>.tar.gz
Mirror to use if installed from archive and no archive source was provided but version was. Defaults to http://archive.apache.org
URL of a proxy server used for downloading Tomcat archives
Type of the proxy server. Valid values are none
, http
, https
and ftp
. Optional. Default determined by the scheme used in ${proxy_server}
Whether to enable the checksum verification of Tomcat installation archive. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Checksum type. Valid values are none
, md5
, sha1
, sha2
, sh256
, sha384
and sha512
. Defaults to none
Checksum to test against. Defaults to undef
Tomcat service name. Defaults to ${package_name}
(global) / ${package_name}_${title}
Whether the service should be running. Valid values are stopped
and running
. Defaults to running
Whether to enable the Tomcat service. Boolean value. Defaults to true
Whether to restart Tomcat service after configuration change. Boolean value. Defaults to true
The value for the systemd service type if applicable. Defaults to 'simple' for install_from = package, 'forking' for install_from = archive.
Whether to force the generation of a generic init script/unit for the tomcat service. Useful for custom OS packages which do not include any. Defaults to false
Optional override command for starting the service. Default depends on the platform.
Optional override command for stopping the service. Default depends on the platform.
Tomcat user. Defaults to ${service_name}
(Debian) / tomcat
(all other distributions).
Tomcat user id. Defaults to undef, will be generated at user creation.
Tomcat group. Defaults to ${tomcat_user}
Tomcat group id. Defaults to undef, will be generated at group creation.
File mode for certain configuration xml files. Defaults to '0600'.
Whether to install Tomcat extra libraries. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Warning: extra libraries are enabled globally if defined within the global context
Base path of the source of the Tomcat extra libraries. Supports local files, puppet://, http://, https:// and ftp://. Defaults to ${archive_mirror}/dist/tomcat/tomcat-<maj_version>/v<version>/bin/extras
Whether to automatically manage firewall rules. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Security and administration
Whether to enable admin webapps (manager/host-manager). This will also install the required packages if Tomcat was installed from package. This parameter is ignored if Tomcat was installed from archive, since Tomcat archives always contain these apps. Boolean value. Defaults to true
Whether to create default admin user (roles: 'manager-gui', 'manager-script', 'admin-gui' and 'admin-script'). Boolean value. Defaults to false
Admin user name. Defaults to tomcatadmin
Admin user password. Defaults to password
Optional hash containing UserDatabase user entries. See tomcat::userdb_entry. Defaults to an empty hash.
Optional hash containing UserDatabase role entries. See tomcat::userdb_role_entry. Defaults to an empty hash.
Server configuration
Server control port. Defaults to 8005
(global) / 8006
(instance). The Server can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: command string that must be received in order to shut down Tomcat. Defaults toSHUTDOWN
. -
: address on which this server waits for a shutdown command -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the Server element
Optional hash of attributes for the JRE Memory Leak Prevention Listener. Defaults to an empty hash.
Whether to enable the Version Logging Lifecycle Listener. The Listener can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: log command line arguments -
: log current environment variables -
: log current Java system properties
Whether to enable the APR Lifecycle Listener. The Listener can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: name of the SSLEngine to use with the APR Lifecycle Listener
Whether to enable the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener. The listener can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: JMX/RMI registry port for the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener. Defaults to8050
(global) /8052
(instance). -
: JMX/RMI server port for the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener. Defaults to8051
(global) /8053
(instance). -
: JMX/RMI server interface address for the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener -
: force usage of local ports to connect to the the JMX/RMI server
An array of custom Listener
entries to be added to the Server
block. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Listener
XML node. See Listeners for the list of possible attributes.
Name of the default Service. Defaults to Catalina
. The Service can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the Service element
Whether to enable the default Executor (thread pool). Boolean value. Defaults to false
. The Executor can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: a unique reference name. Defaults totomcatThreadPool
. -
: name prefix for each thread created by the executor -
: max number of active threads in this pool -
: minimum number of threads always kept alive -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the Executor
An array of custom Executor
entries to be added to the Service
block. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Executor
XML node. See Executor for the list of possible attributes.
Whether to enable the HTTP connector. Boolean value. Defaults to true
. The Connector can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: HTTP connector port. Defaults to8080
(global) /8081
(instance). -
: protocol to use -
: whether to use the default Executor within the HTTP connector. Defaults tofalse
. -
: timeout for a connection -
: encoding to use for URI -
: whether to use compression. Defaults tofalse
. -
: maximum number of executor threads -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the HTTP connector
Whether to enable the SSL-enabled HTTP connector. Boolean value. Defaults to false
. The Connector can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: SSL connector port. Defaults to8443
(global) /8444
(instance). The HTTP connector'sredirect port
will also be set to this value. -
: protocol to use -
: whether to use the default Executor within the HTTPS connector -
: timeout for a connection -
: encoding to use for URI -
: whether to use compression. Defaults tofalse
. -
: maximum number of executor threads -
: whether to require a valid certificate chain from the client -
: SSL protocol(s) to use (explicitly by version) -
: SSL protocol(s) to use (a single value may enable multiple protocols and versions) -
: path to keystore file -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the HTTPS connector
Whether to enable the AJP connector. Boolean value. Defaults to true
. The Connector can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: AJP connector port. Defaults to8009
(global) /8010
(instance). -
: protocol to use. Defaults toAJP/1.3
. -
: whether to use the default Executor within the AJP connector. Defaults tofalse
. -
: timeout for a connection -
: encoding to use for URI -
: maximum number of executor threads -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the AJP connector
An array of custom Connector
entries to be added to the Service
block. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Connector
XML node. See HTTP/AJP for the list of possible attributes.
Additionally, the following attributes are treated differently and used to configure nested elements:
: HTTP Upgrade Protocol element. Hash parameter -
: SSLHostConfig element(s). Array of Hashs parameter-
: Certificate element(s). Array of Hashs parameter
Name of the default Engine. Defaults to Catalina
. The Engine can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: default host name. Defaults to${host_name}
. -
: identifier which must be used in load balancing scenarios to enable session affinity -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the Engine container
Whether to enable the Combined Realm. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Whether to enable the LockOut Realm. Boolean value. Defaults to true
Whether to enable the UserDatabase Realm.
Boolean value. Defaults to true
. The User Database Realm is inserted within the Lock Out Realm if it is enabled.
An array of custom Realm
entries to be added to the Engine
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Realm
XML node. See Realm for the list of possible attributes.
Additionally, the following attributes are treated differently and used to configure nested elements:
: CredentialHandler Component. Hash parameter
Name of the default Host. Defaults to localhost
. The Host can be further configured via a series of parameters (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified):
: Application Base directory for this virtual host -
: whether Tomcat should check periodically for new or updated web applications while Tomcat is running -
: whether web applications from this host should be automatically deployed when Tomcat starts -
: whether to clean unused versions of web applications deployed using parallel deployment -
: whether to unpack web application archive (WAR) files -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to put in the Host container
An array of Host
entries. Use this if you need more complex setup. You can nest valves and contexts with their parameters.
See Host for the list of possible attributes.
An array of custom Context
entries to be added to the Host
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Context
XML node. See Context for the list of possible attributes.
Whether to enable the Single Sign On Valve. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Whether to enable the Access Log Valve. Boolean value. Defaults to true
Pattern to use for the Access Log Valve.
An array of custom Valve
entries to be added to the Host
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Valve
XML node. See Valve for the list of possible attributes.
An array of custom Valve
entries to be added to the Engine
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Valve
XML node. See Valve for the list of possible attributes.
An array of Environment
entries to be added to the GlobalNamingResources
component. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Environment
XML node. See Global Resources for the list of possible attributes.
An array of Resource
entries to be added to the GlobalNamingResources
component. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Resource
XML node. See Global Resources for the list of possible attributes.
Context configuration
, context_cookieprocessor
, context_loader
, context_manager
, context_realm
, context_resources
, context_watchedresource
, context_parameters
, context_environments
, context_listeners
, context_valves
, context_resourcedefs
, context_resourcelinks
See tomcat::context defined type.
Servlets configuration
initParameters for the default
servlet. Generate a single hash for the ${default_servlet_params}
parameter of the tomcat::web defined type (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified)
: debugging level. Defaults to0
. -
: whether directory listing is shown if no welcome file is present. Defaults tofalse
. -
: whether to serve gzipped files if the user agent supports gzip -
: input buffer size in bytes when reading resources to be served -
: output buffer size in bytes when writing resources to be served -
: whether to reject PUT and DELETE commands (http) -
: file encoding used for reading static resources -
: whether to present server information in response sent to clients -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to configure thedefault
initParameters for the jsp
servlet. Generate a single hash for the ${jsp_servlet_params}
parameter of the tomcat::web defined type (will use Tomcat's defaults when not specified)
: time in seconds between checks to see if a JSP page needs to be recompiled -
: whether to use Jasper in development mode -
: whether to enable tag handler pooling -
: whether to perform JSP page compiles in a separate JVM from Tomcat. Defaults tofalse
. -
: whether to generate text strings as char arrays -
: Java file encoding to use for generating java source files -
: interval in seconds to check a JSP for modification -
: whether to trim white spaces in template text between actions or directives -
: whether X-Powered-By response header is added by servlet. Defaults tofalse
. -
: optional hash of additional attributes/values to configure thejsp
, jsp_servletmapping_urlpatterns
, sessionconfig_sessiontimeout
, sessionconfig_trackingmode
, welcome_file_list
, security_constraints
See tomcat::web defined type.
Global configuration file / environment variables
Absolute path to the environment configuration (setenv). Default depends on the platform.
See catalina.sh for a description of the following environment variables.
$CATALINA_HOME. Default depends on the platform.
$CATALINA_BASE. Default depends on the platform.
$JASPER_HOME. Defaults to catalina_home
$CATALINA_TMPDIR. Defaults to ${catalina_base}/temp
$CATALINA_PID. Defaults to: /var/run/${service_name}.pid
$CATALINA_OPTS. Array. Defaults to []
$JAVA_HOME. Defaults to undef
(use Tomcat default).
$JAVA_OPTS. Array. Defaults to ['-server']
Enable JPDA debugger. Boolean value. Effective only if installed from archive. Defaults to false
$JPDA_TRANSPORT. Defaults to undef
(use Tomcat default).
$JPDA_ADDRESS. Defaults to undef
(use Tomcat default).
$JPDA_SUSPEND. Defaults to undef
(use Tomcat default).
$JPDA_OPTS. Array. Defaults to []
Whether to enable the Security Manager. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Tomcat locale. Defaults to undef
(use Tomcat default).
How long to wait for a graceful shutdown before killing the process. Value in seconds. Only available on RedHat 6 systems if installed from package. Defaults to 30
Whether to display start/shutdown messages. Boolean value. Only available on RedHat 6 systems if installed from package. Defaults to false
Hash of custom environment variables.
Absolute path to the log directory. Defaults to /var/log/${service_name}
Mode for log folder, in case of archive install. Defaults to '0660'.
Create Tomcat UserDatabase user entries. For creating a tomcat::userdb_entry
using Hiera, see parameter tomcat_users
Parameters within tomcat::userdb_entry
Which database file the entry should be added to. main UserDatabase
(global) / instance ${title} UserDatabase
User name (string). Namevar.
User password (string)
User roles (array)
Create Tomcat UserDatabase role entries. For creating a tomcat::userdb_role_entry
using Hiera, see parameter tomcat_roles
Parameters within tomcat::userdb_role_entry
Which database file the entry should be added to. main UserDatabase
(global) / instance ${title} UserDatabase
Role name (string). Namevar.
Create Tomcat context files
Parameters within tomcat::context
Absolute path indicating where the context file should be created. Mandatory. Does not create parent directories.
File owner. Defaults to ${tomcat_user}
File group. Defaults to ${tomcat_group}
File mode. Defaults to ${file_mode}
A hash of attributes/values for the Context
container. See Context for the list of possible attributes.
A hash of attributes/values for the CookieProcessor
nested component. See CookieProcessor for the list of possible attributes.
A hash of attributes/values for the Loader
nested component. See Loader for the list of possible attributes.
A hash of attributes/values for the Manager
nested component. See Manager for the list of possible attributes.
A hash of attributes/values for the Realm
nested component. See Realm for the list of possible attributes.
Additionally, the following attributes are treated differently and used to configure nested elements:
: CredentialHandler Component. Hash parameter
A hash of attributes/values for the Resources
nested component. See Resources for the list of possible attributes.
An array of WatchedResource
entries to be added to the Context
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a string. Defaults to ['WEB-INF/web.xml','${catalina.base}/conf/web.xml']
An array of Parameter
entries to be added to the Context
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Parameter
XML node. See Context Parameters for the list of possible attributes.
An array of Environment
entries to be added to the Context
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Environment
XML node. See Environment Entries for the list of possible attributes.
An array of Listener
entries to be added to the Context
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Listener
XML node. See Lifecycle Listeners for the list of possible attributes.
An array of Valve
entries to be added to the Context
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Valve
XML node. See Valve for the list of possible attributes.
An array of Resource
entries to be added to the Context
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the Resource
XML node. See Resource Definitions for the list of possible attributes.
An array of ResourceLink
entries to be added to the Context
container. Each entry is to be supplied as a hash of attributes/values for the ResourceLink
XML node. See Resource Links for the list of possible attributes.
Create Tomcat web.xml files
Parameters within tomcat::web
Absolute path indicating where the web.xml file should be created. Mandatory. Does not create parent directories.
File owner. Defaults to ${tomcat_user}
File group. Defaults to ${tomcat_group}
File mode. Defaults to ${file_mode}
A hash of properties/values for the default
servlet. See Default Servlet for the list of possible initParameters.
A hash of properties/values for the jsp
servlet. See Jasper 2 JSP Engine for the list of possible initParameters.
List of request URI mapped to the default
servlet. Defaults to ['/']
List of request URI mapped to the jsp
servlet. Defaults to ['*.jsp', '*.jspx']
Default session timeout for applications, in minutes. Defaults to 30
. See SessionConfig for details about session configuration.
Default session tracking mode for applications. See Enum SessionTrackingMode for a list of possible values, and ServletContext.getEffectiveSessionTrackingModes() for a description of the default behaviour.
List of file names to look up and serve when a request URI refers to a directory. Defaults to ['index.html', 'index.htm', 'index.jsp' ]
List of nested Hashs describing global Security Constraints. The following keys accept an Array value:
(child ofauth-constraint
) -
(child ofweb-resource-collection
) -
(child ofweb-resource-collection
The only prerequisite is to have the Bundler gem installed:
$ gem install bundler
Install gem dependencies using Bundler (related documentation page here):
$ bundle install
When your environment is set up, run the spec tests inside the module directory using:
$ bundle exec rake spec
Check the puppetlabs_spec_helper GitHub repository for more information.
- Jason Hane
- Josh Baird
- Frank Holtz
- Vincent Kramar
- Joshua Roys
- Martin Zehetmayer
- Rurik Ylä-Onnenvuori
- Hal Deadman
- Hervé Martin
- Alessandro Franceschi
- Daryl Piffre
- ronnbcnews
Features request and contributions are always welcome!