Evaluating Performance and Bias of Negative Sampling in Large-Scale Sequential Recommendation Models
This Github repository contains the Tensorflow 2 (TF2) code for our paper (arXiv link). Thank you to the authors of the TF2 implementation of SASRec (Github)
Industrial scale recommendation models are tasked with selecting the most relevant items for a user from a large catalog of items. Sequential models predict the most relevant item by utilizing the historical sequence of items that users interacted with. Training such models requires the selection of a negative sampling technique, as implicit feedback about user preferences typically only contains positive samples. In this paper, we extend established techniques (uniform, popularity, in-batch, mixed, adaptive) and propose new ones (inverse popularity, popularity-cohort, adaptive with mixed) to sequential models. Crucially, we show that the effectiveness of the model in recommending popular, mid, and tail items depends on both the negative sampling technique and statistics of the dataset. We conduct experiments on public datasets with varying degrees of popularity bias, and show that adaptive, mixed negative sampling (AMNS) can reduce popularity bias while maintaining model performance. Our findings provide the reader a reproducible guide to the trade-offs involved in negative sampling when training recommendation models.
Scatter plots of balance across popularity cohorts vs. accuracy (HitRate@10) for different negative sampling methods and datasets.
conda create -q -n sampling_venv python=3.9
conda activate sampling_venv
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Links to the datasets used here:
- Retailrocket:
- Amazon Beauty:
- MovieLens 10M:
Download and rename raw dataset files as
Run the following to preprocess and time-based splitting of the data into train/validation/test
cd data
python DataProcessing.py
To run a single experiment for any of the 3 datasets, and any of the sampling methods, run a command similar to:
python main.py --run_from_config --dataset=Beauty --neg_sampler_type=uniform
The hyperparameters for each combination of dataset and sampler (determined by HP search) are located in all_exp_hp.json
To run all experiments multiple times (Monte Carlo runs), run:
python all_exp.py --num_exp 20
For shorter runtimes, you can reduce the number of experiments.
To collect all individual results into a single .csv file, run:
python all_res/collect_results.py
This will collect all individual experiment results to data/all_results.csv
NOTE: We have included our own results at the above path.
To plot the scatter plots run:
python make_scatter_plots.py
To print tables with average accuracies run:
python get_average_results.py
To plot the frequency plots run:
python plot_dist.py