Repository for the static website that powers
The website is built over Gatsby - a static site generator on top of React.
Switch on the "development mode" on Cloudflare while deploying new versions.
This static website is served from GCP cloud storage, from the bucket.
To deploy a new version, run
npm run deploy
Ensure that the files have public permissions.
npm run permissions
For one command that builds, deploys and checks permissions, run
npm run push
For more info, check out the GCP guide for hosting static websites.
Use to verify that your browser width is 1040
Use screeny to take video of a window. Make sure you are on a retina screen.
Use quicktime to trim the video
Use ffmpeg to crop the video to 2040 x 1280
Use ffmpeg to change format to mp4
Use handbrake to optimize for web and remove audio
Use ffmpeg to get the first frame for poster
ffmpeg -ss 0.5 -i feature-4-v2-cropped-hb.mp4 -t 1 -s 2080x1280 -f image2 feature-4.jpg