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1 issues


List of commits on branch master.


aartempyanykh committed 3 years ago

Translate assignments to English

aartempyanykh committed 3 years ago

Fix some bold font in

aartempyanykh committed 3 years ago

Translate the course description to English

aartempyanykh committed 3 years ago

Add a sample Rmarkdown report (source + render) (#17)

aartempyanykh committed 8 years ago

Task2 sobolkova zaporozhets agadzhanyan (#39)

AAnastasiaZaporozhets committed 8 years ago


The README file for this repository.

#+TITLE: Intro to modern programming tools and techniques (1 semester version). Spring '17 #+AUTHOR: Artem Pianykh #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[english, russian]{babel} #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: ':t toc:2

The grading is available on [[][this page]].

  • Goals The main objective of this course is to get familiar with modern software development tools and techniques including:
  • working with a version control system,
  • collaborative development through Github,
  • working with dynamically types programming languages (R, Python),
  • using Jupyter and RStudio for quick prototyping and visualization,
  • using automated code testing,
  • etc.
  • Required software To start working on the course assignments you need to install:

The sotware is available for all major platforms: Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. However, Windws users may experience weird problems, so it's recommended to use a Unix-like system to work on the assignments.

Certain assignment may require additional software. Instructions will be provided as part of the assignment.

  • Submission rules :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: submission-rules :END: Each solution must contain:
  • Working code and all other resources required to solve an assignment.
  • File or with:
    1. a short description of the problem and your approach for solving it,
    2. an instruction on how to run the code,
    3. (for group assignments) a list of members and a short description of each member's contribution.

Assignments must be done in a group of 2 to 3.

All solutions must be submitted in a [[][Pull Request]] to this repository. The root directory for N-th assignment submission is submissions/taskN/names-of-participants. Pull Request's branch should be named taskN-names-of-participants.

Example. Studends Alice and Bob decided to work together on assignment #2. First, they clone the current repository and create a new branch task2-alice-bob off of master. The they create a directory submissions/task2/alice-bob where they put all files related to their solution. When they have finished working on the solution, they commit their changes and send a Pull Request to master with a title Assignment 2. Alice, Bob.

From this moment on, their submissions is under review. The assignment is considered solved after successful review.

  • Logistics and grading

There are 2 dates for each assignment:

  1. The date by which the code must be read and the Pull Request submitted.
  2. The data by which the review must be done (usually, +1 week after the first date). This extra time is given to students to address review comments and update their submissions.

Late submissions get a 50% penalty.

  • Questions and discussions Each repository on GitHub has an Issues section. It is recommended to submit your questions as issues rather than by email because:
  • issues are accessible by all,
  • discussions are easier to follow,
  • students can help each other.
  • Assignments
  • [[./tasks/][Assignment 1]]
  • [[./tasks/][Assignment 2]]
  • Useful resources ** Python