A theme for Oh My Zsh with Git, SSH and Virtualenv prompts.
Git branch, working tree status (clean/dirty) and locale/remote correlation (ahead/behind) are displayed.
While on SSH, user and hostname are displayed. If user is root
, this part of prompt is colored significantly different.
While on Python Virtualenv, virtualenv
name is displayed.
You should have Oh My Zsh with git
and virtualenv
plugins enabled. To install,
- copy
, - add
to your.zshrc
- Looks great with PragmataPro font.
- You will probably enjoy a variety of color schemes calles base16.
- If you do dotfiles, you might add this repo as submodule and symlink
MIT © Alexander Pyatkin
- The font on screenshots is PragmataPro by Fabrizio Schiavi.
- This project is inspired by the pure project. I used this theme for some time, but it has some issues on Windows machines, so I created the theme on my own.