I currently have the application running on heroku at http://gh-resume.herokuapp.com/. The emails are sent out on an hourly basis via the heroku scheduler. Additionally the listener emails are sent out daily via the scheuler also.
To install the application you will need postgresql and ruby 1.9.3+
To run locally, run:
bundle install
rake db:create && db:migrate
Set the environment variables in the .env file, like below:
To run on heroku run:
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku config:add SENDGRID_USERNAME=username SENDGRID_PASSWORD=password GH_LOGIN=github_login GH_PASSWORD=github_password
This will run the primary app, but the mailer is handled by delayed job which requires running a rake task.
After signing up for emails and update requests you can run the mailers via rake:
rake jobs:work
rake subscriptions:send_emails
heroku run rake jobs:work
heroku run rake subscriptions:send_emails