This is code to make an "analog" clock from an ESP8266 module and a WS2812b led ring.
- Power needs to go to the led ring (I use 3.3v and it works)
- Data line is connected from GPIO3 (D4 on the NodeMCU unit)
- GPIO16 (D0 on NodeMCU) is connected to reset for deep sleep
The unit connects to a fixed WiFi network and gets time from an NTP server (with SNTP protocol). It then sets the leds as for an analog clock with a red led for the hour and a blue led for the minutes. It then goes to sleep until the time comes to change the leds position.
This uses, you need to install that first.
- Copy src/config.h.example to src/config.h
- Edit the src/config.h to the values you need: access point name, password and ntp server (usually your router) You can use the existing default for the ntp server but it will be slower since it is a random server in a large pool rather than your local router on your network.
- Actual build:
make build
- Upload sketch to esp8266:
make upload