This project automates the process of looking up required books for courses.
- Install the packages required to run this program with "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Create the file NAME.csv with the current course information for the person named NAME in the directory "include" (see below for formatting)
- Update term.txt with what semester is being processed: F for fall, S for spring followed by 2-digit year (e.g. F17, S18)
- Run "python"
- Read the results from books.csv
An example of the data format can be found in "include/Jon Janzen.csv.template"
A header line with the content "DEPARTMENT,NUMBER,SECTION" is optional and may be included for readability.
The format is basically:
- 4-character department code (e.g. CSCE)
- 3-digit course number (e.g. 121)
- 3-digit section number (e.g. 501)
It is common for different professors to assign different text books so section is required.